Accidental Pervert

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A/N: Yandere!Aichi went off the limits, what the hell. Anyways, we're back on another cute and somehow funny AiKou oneshot. Warnings for a pervert!Aichi *laughs*

OOC I guess

Aichi Sendou didn't expect that it would come to the situation where he'd accidentally see his crush naked. And he didn't deserved to get hit by a soap, a shampoo and conditioner bottle, and the soap holder.

And did I forget to mention he got hit by a brush? Oh well...

It started all because of the rain. As the students were walking home from school, it started raining. They all took their umbrellas and went home just usual.

Aichi was walking home by himself and the wind was kind of blowing hard, so it was hard. He saw that Kourin is in front of him and is also walking home, he smiled to himself because hey! That's his crush and he can walk home with her!

An achievement that must be done!

So Aichi was about to go to her but then...


The wind blew to his face, and he heard Kourin scream. Aichi saw that Kourin's umbrella flew, and guess what?

Kourin's skirt went up.

Aichi's eyes widened and he blushed.

It's PINK!

As the wind stopped, Kourin held her skirt down with her face looked ashamed. Her face as red as Ren Suzugamori's hair.

Kourin looked around and saw Aichi staring at her with a huge blush and widened eyes.

"Did you see it?!" Kourin asked.

"S-see what?" Aichi asked back, he acted dense.

"T-the thing! You didn't see it, did you?!" Kourin yelled at him.

'Yes, I saw it and it's pink and tight. It fits you perfectly that I-'

"I-I don't know what you're saying, Kourin-san. A-anyways, you're wet!" Aichi ran up to her and covered both of them with the umbrella.

"Oh... right..." Kourin looked at her soaked uniform and she frowned.

Her soaked uniform allowed Aichi to see through her breasts, it made the blunette feel weird and he had to look away.

"I-I can let you use my house's bathroom... if you want..." Aichi suggested. "My house is near..."

"Are you sure?" Kourin said.

Aichi nodded, "I am. And it's better if you don't get sick."

"Okay then..." Kourin replied.

Aichi smiled and looked up on the grey sky.

Thank the lord heavens above!

As the two went to the blunette's house, they were greeted by Aichi's mom who thought that the two were lovers. The boy hoped though, but they're not.

Oh the pain! The pain! The pain, my suffering, my loneliness! Why can't I confess?

"Kourin-san, the bathroom is upstairs. And when you finished, you can take Emi's room. I can give you my spare clothes and mom will dry your clothes, is that okay?" Aichi said.

"Of course, thank you Aichi." Kourin thanked him and she gave a smile which made Aichi blush so hard.

Oh dear heavens! Thank you for her angelic smile!

"Uh... Y-you're welcome..." Aichi scratched the back of his head as he looked at Kourin who took the towel and went to the bath.

Aichi went back to his room, the radio turned up and he listened to some calming music. Well, it turns out the lyrics of said music were kind of... sexual.

I've got more wit, a better kiss
A hotter touch, a better fuck.

"What the..." Aichi blushed as he remembered how he accidentally saw Kourin's panties.

"Stop, stop!" Aichi growled and hit his head repeatedly on the desk. He stopped then and stayed quiet for a while, until he felt like he needed to go to the bathroom.

And without even having a second thought, the blunette ran to the bathroom and then..

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Kourin suddenly yelled and she threw bathroom items at the poor boy.

"GET OUT OF HERE YOU PERVERT!" Kourin angrily said as the things hit the 'perverted' Aichi.

"I'm sorry!" Aichi went out of the bathroom and touched his hurting face. "Why am I so stupid?" He asked himself and sighed.

When Kourin went out of the bathroom, she immediately went straight to Emi's room to change. Then, she heard the door knock.

"Kourin-san? Um... H-here are the clothes... I-I'm so sorry about earlier... uh..." Aichi spoke as Kourin opened the door and he had to look away.

Kourin sighed as she took the clothes from Aichi's hand. "It's okay, just don't do it again. It's really shameful."

"I apologize..." Aichi said.

Kourin then smiled at the blunette, "Did you see my body?"


Kourin closed the door to wear the clothes. As she wore the clothes, she noticed how quite big Aichi's clothes are.

Well who could blame his clothes? Aichi's a guy so his clothes are sized for men like him.

As Kourin wore Aichi's white shirt, she noticed how it revealed her neck and collarbone... her cleavage is no exception. But it's better than wearing no clothes at all. The blue shorts saved her though, since it's big and long. So Kourin was fine with that.

When Kourin went out of the room, she saw Aichi still there and looking at her bashfully.

"Um... Kourin-san, I'm sorry! I actually lied earlier!"

"What do you mean?"

"I actually saw your panties! They were pink and it fits you so perfectly! I really like it and I hope I can see it again because I like you!"

With those words, Kourin blushed so hard. She could feel herself ashamed and at the same time... happy?

Kourin gritted her teeth as she felt embarrassment and she slapped Aichi.

"Stupid! Idiot! Pervert! Why do you like it?!" Kourin yelled at Aichi.

"Because I like you!"

"Idiot! I like you too!"

The two then looked at each other with their faces still red. Suddenly, they heard giggling.

It was Aichi's mother. "Oh my, young love."


Aichi's mother just smiled and walked away, "Don't mind me! Go on!"

The two teenagers looked at each other and let go.

"Um..." Aichi smiled awkwardly while Kourin crossed her arms.

"I'm really sorry! I just really like you and seeing you with those cute pink panties is just- I mean! Um! I-"

Kourin then smirked as she pinched Aichi's cheek, causing the boy to wince.

"If you really like me that much, I'm letting you see it."

"W-what?!" Aichi freaked out, but he's happy. And him being somehow a pervert is very thankful for him!

So Aichi smiled and spoke in his mind.

I'm so happy! I'm so glad! So it's not bad being a little perverted at all!


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