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"Kourin-san, Kourin-san, wake up."

She heard Aichi spoke; Kourin slowly opened her eyes and saw him looking at her as he smiled. Kourin returned the smile and was about to sit, yet she felt a huge pain on her forehead that she winced and she closed her eyes.


"Ah, are you okay?" Aichi asked worryingly, he held her hand.

"I am, I just feel… weird…" Kourin replied and she saw her vision being hazy, and more headaches came.

Aichi touched her forehead with his palm and he gasped in surprise. "You have a fever! Please lie down!"

"A-Alright…" Kourin did what she was told and lied down; her body felt weak and she felt cold. She covered herself with the blankets.

"Kourin-san, I’ll go get some medicines, alright? Please just stay there!" The blunette hurried out of the room and closed the door. Kourin only sighed and closed her eyes.

She wondered what could be the reason that she got sick, since she felt really well the day before, and now all she could feel is fatigue and- oh, she remembered. Kourin overworked herself and when she went home, she still felt the need to clean the house despite being tired. It could be because of that reason for her high fever.

A few minutes later, Aichi came back running, holding a glass of water and medicine. He sat on a chair and put the things on the nightstand. He then looked at her and frowned. "I’m so sorry that you’re overworking, Kourin-san!" he said.

"It’s alright, Aichi. It’s not your fault." Kourin replied as she gave a sincere smile. She slowly sat up and reached her hand to Aichi’s cheek, caressing it. "This is nothing, I did this myself anyways. I wasn’t being careful…"

"But still… I could’ve helped you with the house, but I didn’t.” He scowled. "I shouldn’t have left for three days!"

"Aichi, don’t say that! It’s your job and it’s important!" Kourin replied to her and let out a sigh. She then took the medicine, drank water, and went back to lie down on her bad. Aichi stared at her with him still worried.

"But Kourin-san-"

"Stop that, Aichi. Just take a rest as well; you’ve been restless for days too." Kourin told him, causing Aichi to feel bad and he just went out of the room.


A few hours have passed; Aichi was sleeping on a sofa. Despite the sofa not being large enough to move around that much, he still slept there. He didn’t want to bother Kourin for she is currently sick, but his concern for her was going overboard.

He woke up and looked around, it was already afternoon and the house was awfully quiet. He opened to sliding doors and felt the cold breeze of the wind. Aichi went upstairs and knocked on the door, but no one answered. Aichi opened the door and saw Kourin still sleeping; he smiled to himself and thought of what to do.

He walked downstairs and took a bowl of water and a towel; he also decided to make rice porridge for her when she wakes up. Aichi was smiling to himself, knowing that he will be able to make Kourin happy.

When he finished, he went straight to the room while holding the tray of foods. He opened the door and saw Kourin already awake.

"You’re awake, Kourin-san! Here, eat some porridge!" Aichi said enthusiastically and sat on the chair next to the bed. Kourin slowly sat and smiled back at him.

"Thank you, Aichi." Kourin said.

Aichi let out a chuckle as he started to feed Kourin with the porridge. Right after that, he helped her to drink and take her medicine. And then as they finished, they were just together. Aichi was sitting on the chair while Kourin lied down on the bed.

Suddenly, Aichi heard his phone ring and he excused himself to go out.

Kourin only nodded and watched him leave. She then thought that it was about his job once again, and she will understand if he has to leave again since they’ve been like this for a while. This is why they will have to treasure every single time they’ve been together.

A few moments later, Aichi went back in the room and looked at Kourin happily.

"What is it, Aichi? Did something happen?"

Kourin asked him, she was curious about his mood. Did he get a raise or something?

"Yes! So, I asked if I can get a day off for today and tomorrow and the boss said that it’s fine!" Aichi told her excitingly, causing her to gasp in surprise.

"But why?!" She exclaimed.

"Why not, Kourin-san? I can stay here and take care of you while you’re sick!" Aichi grinned.

"Seriously…" Kourin could only sigh at his actions. She never hated him by being selfless, but sometimes she really just gets mad a little bit whenever he does this.

"And now, I can stay with you!" Aichi went and sat beside her happily on the bed. He embraced her lightly as to not let her suffocate. Kourin looked back at him.

"Aichi, why did you do that? You do know that your job is the most important thing, right? It’s your dream to be in the lab, then why are you doing that?" Kourin asked, she looked disappointed at him, she still doesn’t understand why he does this. She knows that it’s alright being with each other, but then he has done this for a while. And for her it felt concerning.

Aichi then sighed and looked at her seriously, and then he let out a small smile. He caressed her face and spoke. "I guess I’m just scared."

"You’re scared, why?"

"What if something bad happens to you and I’m not here? What if your fever got worse and no one’s here to be with you? I know there are our family members to help, but if you collapsed or something along those lines and I’m not there, I won’t be able to forgive myself." He replied, chuckling right after. "I’m sorry if that was cheesy and too annoyingly romantic, but maybe I’m just really scared that… you’ll leave again…" he scratched the nape of his neck as he spoke the last words a bit quietly.

Kourin definitely heard what her husband said, and she couldn’t help but to feel her heart flutter. But she could also feel the sadness that Aichi was letting out though it was subtle, so she felt a little confused. Was that called bittersweet?

"I see, I understand that." Kourin embraced him back and smiled. "Just please, balance this out. You don’t always have to do this, and I can handle my fever. I swear I won’t let anything happen to me, okay?"

"Okay!" Aichi replied and rubs the back of his wife. The two of them then smiled at each other and they both shared a laugh.

The day just went on like any other days, but this one was special. The two both have time to be with each other, even for just two days. Aichi was helping Kourin to get better, and Kourin would thank him for it. Despite this, they were happy. They just wanted to be with each other until the end.



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