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A/N: Just a little sad stuff since I'm on a huge block. Haha... *sweats* sorry if this isn't as good, I'm just trying to write a short oneshot.


He didn't know how fragile she is, and he really didn't know she'd be this sad. He always thought of her as tough, but he never thought that she would cry like this.

That was the first time he ever saw her cry.

And it broke his heart.

He didn't know how to react, should he stay there staring at her without doing anything? Or should he go there or do something?

His answer was obvious, it was the latter. He went to her and sat next to her.

"Kourin-san..." He spoke and looked at her.

"Aichi..." She sniffed and wiped her tears away, forcing a laugh. "I'm sorry, Aichi. I had to let you see my-"

He pulled her close to him, embracing her. Kourin was so shocked by his actions, and she looked back at him.

"Aichi, what are you-"

"It's alright, Kourin-san... just let everything out, I don't mind." Aichi told her, "I don't want you to let your feelings be bottled up to the point of you getting worse."

Then, Kourin could only look down and close her eyes. She let out a cry, she sobbed on his chest and let her tears out. Aichi kept patting her back and embraced her tightly.

"Why... Why?" Kourin spoke, "Why can't I have a chance with you?! Why?!"

"Eh?" Aichi blinked, he really didn't know what was the reason of Kourin's breakdown, so he's really confused.

"Why?! I did all I can just for you to notice how much I love you! So why?! Why can't you notice?!"

'She... She must have been in an unrequited love...' The blunette thought.

"Why?!" Kourin cried out.

"Ssh... It's alright, Kourin-san. It's alright." Aichi whispered, trying to comfort her.

"You think it's alright?!" Kourin looked at him, her eyes filled with tears and she looked at him in supposedly anger present in her expression. And of course, the boy was shocked.

"How can you even say that?!"

"K-Kourin-san, I-"

"Aichi! I am telling you all those things!" She finally said. "I love you a lot but you can't even understand my feelings for you, Aichi!"

"W-wait... What?" His eyes widened in shock.

"This is why! This is why..." Kourin sobbed and pushed herself away from Aichi. "This is why... it's because you don't feel the same as I do..."


"I'm sorry for the trouble, Aichi." Kourin stood up, "I have to leave..."

As she was about to walk away, a hand held hers and she was pulled back to Aichi. Aichi embraced her once again and he spoke.

"Don't say that, Kourin-san! Please don't say that! I love you so much and I'm sorry that I didn't realize that you love me!"

And Kourin was surprised by what he was saying.

"And I'm really sorry for not knowing! Kourin-san, I really love you!"

"Is that... true?" She asked.

"Yes... Yes it's true, Kourin-san." He looked back at her, and he too, was also crying. "I love you so much."

They both looked at each other and embraced once again. They kept quiet, and after a short while, they stopped their actions.

"So... you love me, huh..." Kourin said.

"Yeah," Aichi nodded. "But I was scared so..."

"It's alright, I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier." Kourin smiled and wiped her tears away. "I shouldn't be so emotional."


"Yes, Aichi?"

When Kourin turned to him, Aichi suddenly went close and kissed her on the lips. She was surprised, but she didn't mind as she kissed him back.

At least they let out their feelings to each other, and that's what is important.



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