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A/N: I have a very huge writer's block on everything that I write on my fanfics, which is why I don't update that much. Also this is a continuation of my oneshot called "Bisou Toxique" which made me think that maybe I can put my plot bunnies here. So yeah! Here!


It was a few months when that happened, Kourin was so shocked about the event that happened to her. She met a vampire (in which she didn't expect to be real) and took some of her blood. Kourin woke up the next day and thought it was a dream, yet it wasn't. When she woke up, she found a bite mark on her neck, and that's where she realized that the vampire was real.

Kourin never saw him again, and that made her feel a bit weird. She could remember his name; Aichi. She remembered his glowing blue eyes and messy blue hair, his light yet intimidating and flirtatious voice that made her weak that night when he bit her. And Kourin swore to herself that Aichi might be her lover-- No, as if she'd fall for a vampire that would suck her dry and kill her? How senseless!

She just shrugged off her thoughts, now she's so sure that since the vampire left her marks, he might come back and take her again.


While Kourin was walking by the town square, she noticed a man sitting beside a fountain while looking at his phone.

Is that... Aichi? Kourin thought to herself yet she shook her head, since she thought that she's seeing things.

Yet she was proven wrong.

It is him.

The man looked back at her and gave a toothy grin, showing a bit of his fangs. His short, messy blue hair and calming blue eyes was too dazzling, charming for the young blonde lady.

"I didn't think I'd meet you here, mademoiselle." He spoke in the same flirtatious tone like that night as he approached her.

"Aichi..." Kourin muttered his name and watched as he touched her hair and played with her locked.

"You did remember my name, mon chéri. Could this be a sign that you've fallen for me?" He flirted and teased, yet for some reason this didn't have any effect on the female at all.

"Creep..." Kourin muttered under her breath and glared at the blue haired vampire, who gave a condescending smirk that seriously annoyed her.

I heard what you said, Kourin-san~" Aichi replied seductively.

Kourin then looked away, wanting to leave so she took steps yet Aichi grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him.

"Not so quick, Kourin-san." He spoke and held her close, putting his lips to her neck. The vampire gave a short laugh before kissing it.

Kourin shuddered, she moaned when he gave a little bite on her neck. Aichi didn't sink his fangs down, and when he let go, he gave a smirk.

"What did you do-" Kourin was about to speak up but Aichi suddenly kissed her.

The kiss went on for a bit, with Aichi using his tongue and Kourin kissing back. When they let go, Aichi kissed her lips.

Kourin blushed a lot, she looked away from him and Aichi chuckled. "You took my first kiss..."

Aichi then replied, "And I was also the first to take your blood."

"You perverted vampire." Kourin pushed him away and glared. "How dare you do this to me?!"

"Why not? I love you, and isn't this the perfect Christmas gift?" Aichi smiled brightly, causing Kourin to blush again.


Aichi laughed a bit, approaching her and looked at the bite mark. "And I made you mine now with that mark."

"Y-you pervert!" She slapped the blunette vampire on his face as hard as she could. Yet the vampire just smiled when he looked at her.

"I appreciate that lovely slap."

Kourin finally had enough, she turned around and walked away in anger.

"W-wait, my love!" Aichi spoke as he followed her.

"Stop calling me that!" Kourin yelled.

"My dear!"


"Mon cheri?"

"I said no!"

"Sweetheart? Baby bear? Cupcake? Cheesecake?"

"I'm not a food, shut up!" Kourin walked faster, trying to get away from him.

Aichi just gave a toothy grin as he continued to follow her. Then, he walked as fast and went in front of Kourin.

Kourin looked at him in disgust and annoyance, she really wanted to just get away from Aichi yet the blunette looked like he won't leave her alone.

"Can't you just leave me alone?!" Kourin exclaimed angrily.

People looked at the two as if they were watching a drama scene between a couple arguing, and they just ignored the two. Aichi gave a sigh and then looked at the blonde girl seriously.

"Kourin-san, you see... The reason why I'm really here is that..." Aichi took a breath before continuing. "It took me centuries to find someone that I can be with, and it's you."

"Why is it me, of all people?" Kourin asked with a present scowl on her face.

Aichi approached her once again and held her hands gently, touching her skin and palms with his calloused hands and fingers.

He glanced at her and spoke, "Of all the women I have sucked the blood out of, yours captivated me. I kept you alive because I want to be with you even more, I want to learn more about you. I have fallen for you."

Kourin stood there in a very surprised expression, her mouth opened slightly and she looked at Aichi.

Aichi continues to speak, "I'm just a mere vampire who suck other's blood, but I can guarantee you my whole lifetime to love you with all my heart!"


"I swear... I'll love you."

Kourin's heart suddenly beats fast, she felt her cheeks go red. She looked down yet she just let Aichi touched her hands and face.

"Will you give me a chance, Kourin Tatsunagi?" Aichi asked.

Kourin then glanced back at him again, "A-alright then! J-just don't bite me again..."

"Of course not~" Aichi teased, "Not now."


Aichi then laughed and held the blonde's hand. "Isn't this a great Christmas gift?"

"Yeah, but I'm quite shocked that I have someone like you is my... lover." Kourin replied.

"Why does that sound negative?"

"That's because you drank half of my blood and now you fell in love with me. It seems like straight out of a grotesque romance book." She explained.

Aichi grinned at her statement, and looked at the light hickey on Kourin's neck. He smirked to himself.

"But can I get one more bite?" Aichi asked and giggled.


"Aw, that's so mean of you!"

Kourin only frowned while continues to blush, the two walked down the road together. Aichi continues to smile slyly as he looked at Kourin.

'One more bite... I'll make you mine even more. Merry Christmas... Kourin-san.'



A/N: So I deeply apologize! This is supposed to be a Christmas special but I forgot to post it, it's late but here it is! :'>

Also does any of you know B-Project? Because I'm gonna make a fanfiction about it and it's gonna be romance of course. :D


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