A Family Bonding

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A/N: as requested by AkuheiToujou, a family AU bonding~ I hope you like this and enjoy!


"Is everything ready now, Aichi?" Kourin asked as she took the last bag.

"Yep! And where are the kids?" Aichi replied and looked around to find their children.

"I'm here, Dad!" 8 years old Kouichi appeared behind Kourin and grinned. Kourin and Aichi saw him and they both smiled.

"And where is Ai-chan?" Aichi asked again as he continues to look around.

"Daddy!" 5 years old Ai appeared behind Aichi.

Aichi chuckled and he pats Ai's long blue hair. "So shall we go now?" He asked.

They all agreed and went inside the car.


During the ride, Ai and Kouichi are on the backseat and looking at the scenery by the window, mesmerized by the view. While Aichi and Kourin are on the front seat, with Aichi driving.

"They look really excited, Aichi." Kourin said as she took a glance on the kids.

Aichi gave a small laugh, "I knew they would like it."

Kourin smiled and noticed a dried droll on Aichi's mouth. She wiped it with a handkerchief.

"You forgot to take that droll off your mouth," she said and giggled.

Aichi grinned, "I was just excited to go to the beach."

"Now I know where Kouichi got his excitement from." Kourin stated. "Like father, like son."

Aichi only smiled as he focused on his driving, and Kourin was looking at the two kids.

After a while, Aichi turned on the radio. The radio suddenly played a very familiar song and Kourin suddenly blushed as she heard Aichi humming along.

"A-Aichi?!" Kourin spoke, causing Kouichi and Ai's attention.

"I'm sorry, I just really love that song." Aichi teased as he continued singing.

Kourin pouted and continued blushing as she listened to the song.

"Daddy, what is that song?" Ai asked in curiosity.

"Oh! It's called 'Endless Fighter' and it's sung by the most wonderful ladies called Ultra Rare!" Aichi said happily and winked at Kourin.

"Ultra... Rare...?" Ai was a bit confused.

Kouichi then recognized after he heard the voices, "Isn't that Mom, Aunt Suiko, and Aunt Rekka?!"

"Yep!" Replied Aichi and laughed.

Kourin continued blushing as she looked away.

Then, when they reached for a stop, they decided to eat at a restaurant.

The family went to sit and waited for their order. Kourin and Aichi watched as Kouichi talks to Ai.

"Anyways Aichi," Kourin spoke to Aichi.

"Yes?" Aichi turned to his wife.

"How long until we reach the beach?" Kourin asked.

"Oh, around... an hour or so! Basically, we're near the beach already." Aichi replied.

Kourin smiled at her husband's reply, and then she went to talk to Kouichi and Ai.

Aichi watched as they have fun, and he felt really happy that he finally made a very lovely family. He also felt so blessed and thankful that he had found his true love and that he married her and have two kids with her.

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