Hate Me, Love Me

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Setting: Rival AU

Note: In this AU, Aichi and Kourin are rivals. Hate ensues!

(Also why does the title sound like from a lemon/smut? I need help.)

Miyaji Academy, school of the geniuses, the scholars, and the rich. It's kind of hard to go into this school unless you are one of those three kinds.

In this school, there is the genius named Aichi Sendou; always an honor student and the top 1 student in the whole school.

There is also Kourin Tatsunagi, also a genius and is a daughter of the rich and famous Tatsunagi family. She is the top 2 and is considered Aichi Sendou's rival.

The two of them started to rival each other ever since they both went to the same school, and there is no day that those two would fight especially when there are contests and performances.

Who knows if these two would get along.

Kourin was alone as she walks through the hallway of the school, about to go to the science lab. Just as then she bumped onto someone and they both fell to the ground.

"Tch... can you look around?" The boy said in annoyance.

Kourin opened her eyes and saw the person in front of her, "S-Sendou?!"

Aichi looked at her and he gasped, he suddenly gave a glare. "Tatsunagi!"

They both stood and looked at each other angrily.

"Are you blind? You can't even see me!" Kourin complained.

"I was looking, maybe it was you!" Aichi replied in anger.

"I was looking too! Straight and clearly!"

Aichi gritted his teeth and approached Keourin, he grabbed her by her uniform collar and spoke. "Oh? Maybe you did it on purpose then! You want a fight, don't you?!"

"As if I'd like to fight such an arrogant boy like you, Sendou." Kourin taunted.

"Damn you!" Aichi was about to slap her when suddenly his hand was grabbed by someone.

"Aichi! What are you doing to her?!" It was Misaki Tokura, the proclaimed Boss Lady of Miyaji Academy.

Aichi swept his hand away from Misaki's grasp and he let go of Kourin, "Your friend wants to fight me. Why else would I fight back?"

"I saw it, and you did it on purpose. Stop picking a fight on her!" Misaki scolded Aichi.

Aichi clicked his tongue.

"So you're the one at fault, huh." Kourin laughed, "So childish."

"Childish? Me? How dare you!" Aichi yelled, "I swear every time I see you I want to hurt you, and I don't care if you're Takuto Tatsunagi's relative or whatever! I'll definitely make you go down!"

"Are you challenging me?" Kourin asked, she smirked. "All right then! Finals exam! Whoever gets the lower grade will be considered as the loser."

Aichi gave an evil grin, he licked his lips as he replied. "Of course! I accept the challenge!"

Misaki only sighed at the two and she followed Kourin as she left.

"Really?! You will fight Kourin?!" Naoki Ishida was surprised at what his friend said.

Aichi gave a sigh as he looked down, "I had to..."

"Whoa, you don't seem like the over confidential Aichi Sendou we see on school. What's this, you like her?" Naoki teased.

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