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🍼little Felix

Chan feels as if someone dropped a bomb in the dance studio. The members except for Felix are killing him with stern and disgusted glares and all because of one word.


It slipped out of Felix's mouth without him even realizing it until everyone turned to him. And now Chan is sweating and thinking about what to do. The atmosphere in the room is tense. Han silently suggested they should end the dance practice and everyone agreed. Felix is biting his lower lip and peeks at the members but no one speaks. They are silently driving back to the dorm and after the front door closed behind them, Changbin lost it.

"We won't speak about it?"

They all heard Felix calling Chan daddy and no one is curious?

Chan would like to explain it, but it is a secret. He can't say it without hurting Felix. Seungmin gives Chan long and disapproving glare before going in the kitchen.

"I don't have time for their kinky shits. I need to make dinner."

Chan wants to say something, but then swallows his pride and goes in his room. A few minutes later he hears silent knocking on the door of his room and Felix peeks inside.

"Are you mad?"

Felix looks like he will burst into tears and Chan can't endure seeing his baby like this.

"Come here."

He lifts his tired arm and Felix crawls under the limb. Chan tightly hugs him and kisses the top of his head.

"It is okay, it was an accident."

Felix sniffles and closes his eyes. He is really sad and hopes daddy isn't mad. They are lying there for a while until Chan decides to finally say what he was thinking about.

"We should tell them."

Felix stiffened in his arms. Chan strokes his hair and sits them up.

"We should tell them the truth, it would be better."

Felix is nervous and whenever he is nervous he starts to suck on his thumb. Chan gently takes his hand and looks in Felix's eyes.

"Okay ..."

Felix doesn't want to tell the truth, but if Chan says it would be better, then he must be right. They walk out of the bedroom hand in hand and go in the kitchen. The other members are having small snacks before dinner and frown on Chan and Felix. Felix is feeling so small in front of them and hides behind Chan.

"We need to tell you something."

The boys look like they want to say no but Chan looks so serious. He sits down with Felix next to him and calmly explains everything. Felix's little space, how he found out, how he became his daddy, and how they decided to hide it. Everyone is shocked and surprised. They caught Felix acting weird a few times, but they didn't know the reason, they were too busy to care.

Felix is holding Chan's hand and waits for their reaction. They are thinking hard, too hard to say something so Chan got up and leads Felix in his room. When they are ready to speak, they know where to find them.

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