🍼 little Hyungwon
Kihyun likes quiet calm mornings. His little one sleeps a lot so Kihyun has enough time to exercise a bit and to take a shower. Then Kihyun cooks breakfast for everyone and next, he can go and wake up his sleeping baby.
Hyungwon sleeps a lot no matter if he is in little space or no. The fact that Hyungwon sleeps so much often makes them nervous, especially I.M. who is paranoid and sometimes gets scared that something is wrong with their little one. However Hyungwon is like a turtle, he doesn't need to be active all the time. Kihyun silently sneaked in the bedroom and smiles when his eyes landed on their cute cupcake. Hyungwon is comfortably sprawled on his bed with many stuffed animals around. His blanket with Kakao friends is tangled around his legs and his thick lips are tightly closed around a pacifier. Kihyun gently strokes his baby's soft and black hair.
"Wakey-wakey ..."
Hyungwon only frowned a bit and stays asleep so his daddy has to try harder. Kihyun kissed Hyungwon's cheeks and then tickled him under the chin. Hyungwon angrily whined and finally opened his eyes. He weakly pushed Kihyun away but his daddy only smiled.
"I guess that I will need to find someone else who wants blueberry cake."
This quickly woke Hyungwon up because he loves blueberry cake. Kihyun takes Hyungwon in the bathroom and took off his wet pull-up. Their little one used to have frequent nighttime accidents so it is better when he wears a pull-up instead of changing the bedsheets in the middle of a night. In a few minutes, Hyungwon is clean and ready to start the new day. Summer is here so the weather is quite hot and they know that as days pass the hotter it is going to be. Kihyun knows that if Hyungwon feels uncomfortable then he is extremely fussy so he finds an outfit that is suitable for the hot weather. He grabs a sleeveless top with shoulder straps and puffy shorts and helps Hyungwon with getting dressed. The little one runs in the kitchen where are already sitting Shownu, Minhyuk, Joohoney, and Wonho. They smile when wild Hyungwon appeared and Wonho immediately patted the seat of the chair next to him. Hyungwon smiled before climbing on the chair and Minhyuk put a plate with a big piece of the cake in front of him. Hyungwon immediately takes a big bite and happily munches on his favorite food while the caregivers lovingly watch him. Kihyun prepared a sippy cup full of warm milk for the little and then waits until Hyungwon finished the cake to have his full attention.
"What do you want to do today?"
Hyungwon shakes his head no because he doesn't feel like going out. Luckily for him, their dorm has a nice terrace that provides privacy for the little one's games. Kihyun is watching his baby drinking the warm milk and then takes Hyungwon in the bathroom to use the toilet. Minhyuk and Joohoney are preparing a kiddie pool for their baby and after a while, the wild baby runs on the terrace. Hyungwon clapped his hands and finally dipped his feet in the cold water. He grabs a water gun and immediately aimed at poor Wonho. The man doesn't fight because Hyungwon is so happy. Wonho is soon wet and water is dripping from his hair but the little one is laughing so cutely that he has to smile too. Kihyun isn't so happy because the floor on the terrace is wet and someone could slip and get hurt. He gives different toys to their little boy and Shownu sat down next to the small pool and watches over him.
Hyungwon feels great when he can relax and just be a small toddler. His only worry is if he gets some unhealthy but yummy snack. Hyungwon is enjoying splashing water around while playing with plastic boats and dinosaurs. Kihyun knows that his baby isn't alone but still occasionally peeks to see how are they doing. It is almost lunchtime when Kihyun decided that their little cutie had enough of playing and now he should take a break. It is a fight to drag Hyungwon out of the pool but then Kihyun wrapped a warm towel around him and helps him out of his wet clothes. Joohoney put dry clothes on Hyungwon and Minhyuk brings him a sippy cup full of orange juice. Hyungwon wants to be fussy but he is so tired that he doesn't have the energy to be a brat. He is sucking on the sippy cup and watches Kihyun who is stroking his hair. Hyungwon feels so good with his caregivers, they are like angels who are always there to help him and save him from his worries. Kihyun feels the little one's hot breath on the skin on his neck and smiles after feeling Hyungwon grabbing his hand. The sippy cup slipped out of the boy's grip and Kihyun catches it before it can hit the floor and wake him up. He waits for a few more minutes to make sure that Hyungwon is really asleep and only then he dared to stand up. He carefully laid Hyungwon on his back and nudged his lips with a pacifier. Hyungwon started to suck on it and Kihyun can sneak out of the room to finish lunch and maybe stealing a moment for himself before Hyungwon wakes up.

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