🍼 little Taemin
Kibum woke up and looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand. 2:23. Who is making the noise?
Kibum got up and peeked out of their bedroom. Their house is dark and the only sound is the loud noise. Kibum walks to the kitchen and almost yelled in shock. Taemin is sitting on the cold marble floor and plays with two frying pans.
Taemin turned to his umma and smiled behind his yellow pacifier with canary Tweety. Kibum took the pans and lifted his baby.
"How did you manage to get out of your crib again?"
Kibum walks in the nursery and laid Taemin inside. He checked his diaper and feels that he is still dry. Then he turns around and took a sleeping bag. Taemin hates it but he needs to stay in his crib because their house is dangerous for the small baby. Kibum zipped him in a sleeping bag and Taemin kicked around. He is whining but then Kibum turned on the crib mobile and Taemin calmed down. Taemin is looking at his umma and Kibum gently rubs his tummy. Taemin finally closed his eyes again and Kibum goes back in bed.
Minho wakes him up at 7 and sneaked in Kibum's bedroom.
"We are hungry Kibumie."
Minho pouted and Kibum rolled his eyes. Minho's puppy eyes don't make him get up, he needs to get up for his baby boy.
Kibum goes to the kitchen and turned on the stove.
"We will need to put him in a sleeping bag again. He got out of his crib tonight and it is not safe for him."
The members nodded and continue staring into their cups with black coffee. Minho and Onew are almost falling asleep while Taemin runs around their house.
"He is up only for twenty minutes! How can he be so energetic?"
Onew is watching Taemin who is running naked only in diaper and Minho started to run behind him. He is desperately trying to dress the boy but fails miserably. Today is another hot day and also day when they can all rest. Well until Kibum told that they need to take care of their house because during busy weeks they hadn't a chance to clean up. Minho finally caught Taemin and roared in his victory. He dressed Taemin and sat him in a highchair. Taemin is whining and kicks his legs. Minho fasten straps over Taemin's bony chest so he can't climb out of his chair. He did it once and Kibum almost had a heart attack.
Taemin has bad eating habits. He often forgets to eat and if he actually eats he is able to just walk away after few spoons. Kibum suffered from an eating disorder and knows that it is dangerous so they got the highchair. Now Taemin's eating habits are under heavy watch.
Kibum put a bowl of soup with noodles and vegetables on the tray of the highchair and Taemin frowned.
"Don't pout baby boy!"
Kibum brings the first spoon to his mouth and Taemin moved his head away.
"No want!"
Kibum sighed because this happens every morning. Minho takes the spoon from him and gently grabs Taemin under his chin.
"Come on baby."
Minho pushed the spoon between Taemin's full lips and tilted his head back a bit. Taemin slowly swallowed and soon another spoon landed in his mouth. Taemin soon whined again because he doesn't want to eat anymore but his appa is pushing spoon after spoon between his lips until he finished. Finally, Taemin is free again and he runs to Minho who is putting clothes in the washing machine. Taemin is tugging on his pants until he turned to him.
"Baby I have something to do. Go find Onew."
Taemin's beautiful eyes got filled with tears and he runs to find Onew. Onew is fighting with changing bedsheets so he doesn't notice Taemin speaking to him. Taemin is now crying and runs in his nursery. When no one has time for him then he doesn't need to be here!
Taemin takes his favorite plushie and small blanket with kitten and balls of yarn and walks to the front door. Kibum is vacuuming the carpet in the living room so he sees Taemin struggling with putting on his shoes.
"Little one where are you heading?"
Taemin only sobs because he will miss his umma. Kibum hurries to him and sees that his baby is crying.
"Baby what happened?!"
He is already planning to kill everyone who caused that his baby is so sad.
"No want Minnie."
Taemin is now wailing on top of his lungs and the rest is running to him. Kibum lifted Taemin and holds his small baby tightly in his arms.
"Umma can't live without you!"
Kibum sat down on the couch with Taemin on his lap and forgets about cleaning their house. Now he has to do something more important. Kibum grabbed their baby under armpits and sat him on his lap and Onew goes to make him a bottle of milk. When he came back Taemin immediately makes grabby hands toward his favorite bottle with Minnie mouse. His daddy put the teat between Taemin's lips and he starts to suck on it. Kibum is stroking his back while Minho is patting his hair. Minho is whispering sweet nothing about how much they love him and started to rub Taemin's feet. Together they put their baby to sleep and silently admire him for a while. Taemin is cute like a small kitten who needs a lot of attention and they shouldn't forget to give him all their love and attention to make their kitten happy.

FanfictionStories with little space about different K-pop groups. You can write your requests in comments.