🍼 little Changmin
Yunho woke up with something heavy laying on his chest. He opened his eyes and sees Changmin sleeping on top of him. Yunho stroked his hair and then patted his diapered bum. Changmin is wet so he needs a clean diaper soon. Yunho carefully moved the little's limp body away and Changmin weakly whimpered but doesn't wake up. Yunho silently unfolded clean diaper and took off the wet one. He carefully slipped the diaper under Changmin and then closed the tabs on sides. His little boy suddenly opened his eyes and sees Yunho leaning above him.
"Daddy ..."
Changmin grabbed Yunho's hair and smiled behind his red pacifier with ladybug on its handle. Yunho smiled at the cute little with messy hair and kissed his cheek.
"Lie down again while daddy cooks breakfast."
Changmin whined that his source of warmness is leaving but then Yunho wrapped him in thick fleece blanket and he is dozing again.
Yunho went in their kitchen and starts to make breakfast. He made granola with white yoghurt and pieces of strawberries and blueberries. Suddenly he hears soft steps behind his back and quiet whining. Changmin is here.
The little is standing there with semi opened eyes. The blanket is draped over his shoulders and he is holding his stuffed puppy which is his favourite. Changmin is still tired but food is more important. After all he can take a nap after breakfast.
"Daddy .."
It is obvious that today isn't Changming's most talkative day.
Luckily for him his daddy is here and always takes the best care of his little boy.
Yunho drags his chair next to Changmin and starts to feed him. Changmin can eat on his own but this is faster and cleaner way. The little is squirming a bit on his chair but obediently opens his mouth and let his daddy feeds him.
Changmin's parents were busy professors who hadn't time for their son and Changmin later became little. His hyungs never thought that he is weird or something like that. They paid him as much attention as they could, but this made it worse for Changmin when everyone left and only Yunho stayed. Back then Changmin was crying for hours. He was so stressed that his daddy and last hyung will leave him too that he even stopped eating. Luckily now he is doing better and Jaejoong often visits them. They all still have private chat where they are speaking about everything and it is full of photos and videos of their little Minnie.
After breakfast Changmin went to watch cartoons but ended falling asleep in middle of his bottle of warm milk. Yunho turned off the TV and gently strokes the little's tummy. Little Changmin has tummy and big Changmin has abs. Thanks to big Changmin's working out little Changmin can eat what he wants. He is probably dreaming about ice cream because he is slobbering quite lot. Yunho wiped his chin and went to iron some clothes until his baby boy woke up with loud crying. Yunho almost dropped the iron on his foot but then quickly turned it off and went to save his baby.
Changmin has wet diaper but that isn't the reason of his crying. From the way how is his body trembling Yunho can say that the little is startled. Probably he had some bad dream or got scared because his daddy wasn't next to him.
"Shh Minnie. Daddy is here."
Yunho hugs him tightly and his little boy is clinging on him. After while Changmin calmed down and Yunho is rocking him back and forth. After while he got up and leaded Changmin in their bedroom to dress him up. It is winter and Changmin gets sick easily so Yunho is going to take him to doctor for some vaccination.
Changmin can't wear his cute little outfits outside of their apartment and he is forced to wear regular clothes. Yunho is driving while Changmin can suck on his pacifier for last few minutes. Soon they stopped in front of hospital where are treaten every SM idols. Yunho took his pacifier which is followed with long whine. Then he grabs hand of his little boy and leaded him inside. Of course that Changmin is making sad puppy eyes on his daddy and hopes that he will change his mind but that is not happening.
"Hello doctor."
Changmin hides behind his daddy but it is hard for him to hide when he is as tall as his daddy. Yunho took of Changmin's jacket and sat down on small chair. Changmin is now standing in front of the doctor and starts to sob. Everyone thinks that Changmin is only scared of needles and the doctor isn't surprised when Changmin bursted into tears and hugs Yunho around neck. The doctor pulled down Changmin's shirt a bit and revealed his shoulder. Yunho nodded and holds Changmin tighter. The doctor wiped Changmin's shoulder and stabbed the sharp needle in the soft flesh. Changmin wailed loudly and stomped his feet because of the burning feeling.
The doctor throwed the now empty syringe away and put small plaster on the small wound. Yunho patted his back and then helped him back in his jacket. They leave the doctor's office and got back in their car. Changmin is still crying and Yunho gave him his pacifier back.
"Shh baby. Was it really so bad?"
Changmin nodded furiously and leaned into daddy's hand which is stroking his hair.
"Meanie .."
Yunho gasped and gently grabbed Changmin's chin with two fingers and tilted his head back.
"Daddy is a meanie?!"
Changmin shakes his head no and Yunho took away his pacifier again.
"The doctor is a meanie."
Yunho stroked his hair and pushed the pacifier back between his boy's lips. Then he started to drive while Changmin is slowly falling asleep. When they walked in the apartment Yunho changed his diaper and tucked him in bed for a nap. Changmin is soon sleeping and Yunho ordered lunch from Pizza hut. Soon three big pizzas arrived and Changmin woke up thanks to his special sense for food. He immediately opened box with BBQ Meatlovers pizza and starts to stuff his cheeks. Yunho is wiping his mouth and eats too. After pizza Changmin got bottle of warm milk and cuddled to his daddy's chest. Yunho is patting his back and watches his little Bambi who is hungrily sucking on his bottle. Yunho is sad that Changmin cant play outside because there is a high risk that fans will see him.
Luckily they have many toys and Changmin has fun while playing with his daddy. Changmin is quite lively and likes to run around so every sharp corner is covered and Yunho doesn't need to worry that his baby will get hurt.
They spent whole afternoon playing until diner time came. Yunho cooked simple meal and Changmin devoured his serving
and then got bowl with chocolate and strawberry ice cream. Yunho washed the dishes and then it is bath time for his little one.
Changmin is sitting in the warm water surrounded by bubbles and his daddy is washing his body with a washcloth. Changmin is almost asleep when his daddy helped him out and leaded him in their bedroom. Changmin is snuggling to his stuffed friend named Bobo and his daddy is diapering him. Then Yunho dressed him in baby blue shorts with white clouds and white shirt. Jaejong is calling and soon his face appeared on the screen.

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