🍼little Sejun
Chan and Seungsik are a bit surprised, no, they are very surprised when their little Sejun came to them tonight and tells that he doesn't want to wear diapers anymore. Sejun stated that he is a big boy who wants to wear only pull-ups and Seungsik feels a bit hurt because he is Sejun's mummy, Sejun is his baby and suddenly he doesn't want to be his baby.
Chan put one hand on Seungsik's shoulder to calm him down and smiles at their little one.
"Why so suddenly?"
Sejun is babbling something about stinky butt and Seungsik is silently frowning. Of course that sometimes it was a gross to change the used diapers but Seungsik didn't mind it - it was only another way for Sejun how to show his caregivers that he feels enough comfortably and good around them to be in the headspace of a baby. Sejun is always between 0 to 2 years old so it was natural for his daddy and mummy to put their baby in diapers. The question is why Sejun refuses to wear diapers now after almost three years.
Chan isn't against switching to pull-ups, if Sejun feels big enough for wearing pull-ups then he can try it. And if he fails they can always put him back in diapers again. After breakfast Seungsik doesn't put any clean diaper on Sejun, he just took off the wet one and let Sejun to be naked. The weather outside is warm so they leave his bottom bare. Chan knows that some of their friends gave them a plastic potty so he finds it and put it on the terrace when Sejun can see it.
"If you want to pee then sit down on the potty, okay?"
Sejun nodded and scampers around the garden. He is picking flowers and brings them to his mummy who is sitting at a table on the terrace and watches over him. Seungsik is still sad but smiles at the pretty flowers and thanks to his baby for each flower. Suddenly Sejun froze and quickly runs to the potty. He is so proud that Seungsik must smile at him. Chan happily clapped his hands after seeing that his little boy used the potty and Sejun looks very proud of himself.
Sejun used the potty four times, he only peed and now feels like a big boy. Chan is praising him and everything is perfect until the evening came. Sejun is bathed, dressed in pajama and his mummy tucked him in his bed. Chan put a stuffed giraffe under his arm and makes sure that Sejun has his pacifier and the night light is on. Then he left the room and goes in the main bedroom. Seungsik is already lying in their bed and he is still pouting.
"I don't understand it. I am doing everything to make him happy and now he doesn't want to be my baby anymore?"
Chan sighed and kissed Seungsik's cheek. Seungsik gives him his angelic smile but the anger inside him is still alive. They fell asleep but after few hours a loud crying woke them up. Seungsik opened his eyes and desperately blinks to force his eyes to keep open. He hears the soft pitter-patter and knows that Sejun is running in their bedroom. The steps stop in front of the door and Seungsik knows that his little one is waiting outside.
"Baby boy, what is wrong?"
Sejun opened the door and walked inside. Chan turned on a bedside lamp and the caregivers see what is wrong. Sejun had an accident. His pants are drenched and Seungsik got up.
"Mummy will help you but you need to stop crying."
Sejun is slowly calming down and his crying is slowing down while his daddy rubs his back.
"We just took it too fast, you spend such a long time in diapers and we took them away so suddenly. Daddy and mummy are sorry."
Sejun hugs Seungsik around his neck and sniffles a bit more while Chan goes to change his bedsheets. Meanwhile, Seungsik bathed Sejun and dressed him in clean pajama pants. He smiles at Sejun and kisses his cheeks to show that everything is okay. Seungsik sat down on the bed and pulled Sejun in his lap. He feels bad that he was mad about moving to pull-ups and now his baby is crying. Seungsik strokes his hair and hums a silent song to put Sejun to sleep. A few minutes later when Chan came back he finds Sejun and Seungsik sleeping and Seungsik's arms are wrapped around his sleeping baby who is wearing a diaper again. But just for tonight until Sejun wakes up feeling like a big boy again.

FanfictionStories with little space about different K-pop groups. You can write your requests in comments.