🍼 little Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi and Jimin
Today Namjoon woke up and sees that they have photoshoot with littles so it will be extra hard. Cute photos for fans which means super hard work for rest of BTS. Jin is cooking pancakes for breakfast and Jungkook and Yoongi are sitting in their highchairs. Hoseok came down with Taehyung in his arms and with Jimin on his back.
After breakfast littles took a nap, but not so long as usually. They need to hurry to arrive in time
to the photo studio. Yoongi is being carried inside by Seokjin and Hoseok is carrying two diaper bags. Jimin and Taehyung are running around and Hoseok needs to pacify them before they break something. Luckily Jungkook is too shy around so much new people and Yoongi .. well he is being Yoongi. Unless you wake him up he is okay. Namjoon is speaking with their manager and photographer about what they imagine to do.
Then they go in the dressing room where is prepared clothes for them and stylist. Seokjin with Yoongi in his lap get ready as the first one. Seokjin is talking in the stylist's work. After all, he is mommy of the littles and his boys must be perfect. Yoongi doesn't care about them and plays with his Kumamon. The stylist doesn't do much with him, only added a little bit of pink lipstick on his lips and a hint of rouge on his cheeks. She combed his black hair and put some spray on them so they are shining like a velvet.
Hoseok got a little bit of mascara on his eyelashes and lipstick too. Stylist is making Taehyung's hairstyle but it is hard. The boy is falling asleep in the chair and his head is lolling to every possible side. Hoseok saw it from next chair and got up because he is prepared.
"He hasn't proper nap today, sorry for making your work harder."
Hoseok bowed slightly to the stylist and gently moved Taehyung in his lap. Now his baby can sleep and he is holding his head upward so the stylist can work. Jimin and Jungkook are watching cartoons on iPad and Namjoon is paying attention if they aren't ruining their hairstyles. Seokjin is feeding Yoongi bottle of formula and watches his smallest baby. They are prepared for the photoshoot and walked out of the changing room. Everyone coos because the littles are too cute. The cameras are taking photos while BTS pose and smile.
Then came photoshoot only with littles so Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok leave and stand next to the photographer. Stylists changed their clothes and put BTS merchandise and toys on the new plush carpet where the littles sit down. Jungkook found his plushie and starts to play with it while humming some melody. Yoongi found stickers and starts to put them on Jimin. They are playing while photographer takes thousand of photos but Taehyung doesn't like it anymore. The lights are too bright and his fringe is annoying him. Jimin saw that Tae is frowning and crawled closer. He sees that Taehyung is desperately trying to get the fringe out of his eyes, but it always goes back. Jimin spotted two hair ties with Tata and got brilliant idea. He tied Tae's fringe on top of his head with the hair ties. Now his hair isn't bothering him and he looks even cuter. Jimin slobbery kissed cheeks of his baby brother and Tae hugs him. Everyone in the room cooed and the photographer went crazy. He is taking even more photos and Taehyung has had enough. Hoseok knows that this is wrong. When Tae isn't smiling and tilts his head back it is clear that he is going to cry. And yes, he started to wail on top of his lungs. He is tired, he has headache but the most he wants to go home. Hoseok runs to him before the other littles can cry too and hurries to the changing room. He is bouncing Taehyung on his hip and sat down on couch.
"It isn't comfy hmm?"
Taehyung nods and Hoseok untied his tie and then started to unbutton the shirt. Taehyung is watching his daddy and touches the hair ties with Tata. Hoseok smiled at him and pulled down his black pants.
"Normally big Tae would fight with daddy during undressing Gucci while my small baby loves anything if it is comfy."
Taehyung lay his head on his daddy's shoulder which is in his opinion better than every possible pillow. He closed his eyes and feels that daddy gave him his pacifier. Tae is sucking on his dummy and Hoseok cradles him in his arms. Taehyung is asleep after few minutes with his daddy's strong hand on his diapered bum and back of his head.
The photoshoot ended without them and Namjoon apologized to the photographer. The man just waved his hand and said that it is okay and that he has enough photos. Seokjin knows that Taehyung will be feeling even smaller after he wakes up so he prepared bottle of formula of him and changed Yoongi and Jungkook into their clothes. Namjoon changed Jimin and got the three littles in car. Hoseok carefully sat inside the car with Taehyung still sleeping in his arms. The poor poppet has headache so they will let him have longer nap.
They got home and Yoongi with Jungkook are laid in their crib too. Jimin is still lively and Namjoon plays with him to keep him quiet. Hoseok took Taehyung upstairs and changed his diaper. Then he dressed his baby in thin night gown and tucked him in crib. Hoseok is tired too so he decided that short nap wouldn't hurt him. Such long photoshoot can wear out not just baby but daddy too.

FanfictionStories with little space about different K-pop groups. You can write your requests in comments.