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🍼little Taehyung

Every morning in Jungkook's household is peaceful. It is a sure thing when you are a model who rarely works, thanks to being so famous you can choose from hundreds of offers.

Jungkook is starting to wake up. Meanwhile, his little tiger is wide awake. Taehyung is the main reason why is Jungkook so fit. The little one is full of energy and Jungkook must keep in step with him. They often hit the gym together - Jungkook works out and Taehyung attends one of the many sport classes the gym offers.

But most of the time, Jungkook prefers staying at home and just cuddling or playing. Jungkook keeps his eyes closed and reaches his arms toward his baby to pull him closer to his naked chest. He knows Taehyung is awake, the boy is squirming and weakly kicking the mattress.

Taehyung loves daddy's hugs. The strong arms wrapped around him bring comfort, he feels tiny and safe. Jungkook pats Taehyung's fluffy hair and rubs his cheek against his boy's warm skin.

Taehyung sighs in happiness and tucks his head under daddy's chin. The little one is feeling cuddly, but the more he wakes up the more he wants to be mischievous. He pokes daddy's abs and laughs. Daddy's tummy is weird!

Jungkook is letting him to poke his abs and sneakily moves his hand to his baby's tummy and gently squeezes the bit of fat.

Taehyung squeals and tosses in daddy's arms. Jungkook tickles the chubby tummy until Taehyung can't breath due to giggling so hard.

Jungkook peppers the small face with kisses and finally sits up. He is hungry and Taehyung should use the toilet before having an accident. Jungkook helps him so he doesn't make a mess and then changes his clothes. They go in the kitchen and Jungkook opens the fridge.

"Egg Benedict?"

Taehyung only nods and waits until daddy hands him a sippy cup with orange juice. Jungkook starts cooking while Taehyung goes to open the back door leading on a terrace and their garden.

Taehyung insists on feeding stray cats who are roaming around the neighborhood. On the terrace are four little bowls with cat food, but only one cat isn't scared of them and comes when she hears the door being opened.

Taehyung knows he can't bring the cats inside. Jungkook took the cats to the vet so he knows they are healthy and it is safe for Taehyung to play with them, but it doesn't mean Jungkook wants to share their house with every stray cat they meet.

At least he has time to prepare breakfast while Taehyung plays with the friendly ginger cat. After finishing cooking he puts plates on the kitchen table and goes to get his boy. Jungkook goes to wash Taehyung's hands - he knows Taehyung wouldn't do it properly - and then they sit down to eat.

Taehyung is whining that he wants to play with the cats, but Jungkook forces him to eat first before he will let him go back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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