🍼little Namjoon
Seokjin doesn't know when did this happen. His once so peaceful and tidy apartment is one huge mess. Pieces of Lego, stuffed animals and crayons are everywhere, the kitchen is sticky with spilled apple juice, which is Namjoon's favorite one and an unfinished blanket fort is standing in the middle of the living room. Seokjin had to give up on having a perfect and clean apartment because it simply isn't possible with little Namjoon who is usually feeling only around 2 years old.
Right now the little one is sleeping squished next to him and Seokjin feels extremely warm. It is summer and it is hot outside, Namjoon's warm body pressed to his side isn't very helpful. Seokjin can't push him aside if he doesn't want to wake him up so he lies still and stares at the fan hanging from the ceiling. The fan is slowly spinning and cuts the heavy and hot air. Seokjin closes his eyes again and focuses on Namjoon's soft snores which are coming from behind his red pacifier with a starfish. The starfish is made from orange glitters and Namjoon really loves it, he once believed that he lost it and cried for few hours before Seokjin found it.
There is nothing Seokjin wouldn't be able to do for his baby boy, Namjoon's happiness is his priority. And right now his most precious boy sleeps which means that Seokjin can get few silent minutes before he wakes up. Seokjin is thinking about what could they do today. The hot weather and pandemic aren't making going outside very tempting. So what they will do inside? They could finish building the blanket fort and then they could have a movie night. But that won't be enough to keep Namjoon busy for the whole day. Seokjin sighs and looks at the peaceful face of his little one. Namjoon is drooling on his chest and Seokjin really needs to get up. He needs to use the toilet so he gently grabs Namjoon and pushes him aside. He hurries in the bathroom and hopes that Namjoon won't wake up, but his hopes are useless. Namjoon immediately felt that the muscular and comfy chest of his daddy isn't his pillow anymore and opened his eyes with a loud whimper. Namjoon cries out when he finds out that the bedroom is empty. His headspace is the headspace of a 2 year old child. That isn't much, right?
The fact that he can't see his beloved daddy in the room is enough for him to start crying because he believes that his daddy left him. Seokjin quickly washes his hands and runs in the bedroom. He jumps on the bed and bounces a bit before sitting next to his baby and pulls him in his lap.
"I know one boy who will get pancakes with chocolate."
Namjoon sniffles, but licks his lips when he imagines a plate full of warm pancakes and Seokjin got up.
"Do you want to snuggle with your stuffed elephant for a bit longer? Or do you want to help me with cooking?"
Namjoon thinks for a while and then hugs his pink elephant. He lies down and Seokjin throws a thin blanket over him before going in the kitchen. He starts to prepare the pancake batter and hums a silent melody while the coffee maker works on preparing a strong cup of coffee. It takes only a few minutes to make 8 fluffy and perfectly round pancakes. Seokjin put four pancakes on two plates and then pours chocolate syrup over them. He wants to get Namjoon but he has already smelled the delicious scent and runs in the kitchen. Seokjin is watching his baby boy eating and can't stop himself from wincing every time when a drop of chocolate landed on the table or floor. Namjoon is messily eating and then licks the plate and his fingers. He smiles at his daddy and his cute dimples appear. Seokjin can't frown when his baby smiles like this.
Namjoon's wide smile, dimples and the chocolate smeared around his mouth are making him irresistible and Seokjin's heart is melting like a candle.
"Come here."
Seokjin grabs a wet napkin to clean Namjoon's face and the little one whines. If he could choose, then he would never take a bath. Seokjin doesn't understand why little Namjoon hates being a clean baby boy. He wipes his mouth and Namjoon ran away to hide in the blanket fort. He has a few stuffed friends around and he is grumpily telling them that daddy can't come inside because he would take them and put them in the washing machine. The truth is that his stuffed friends really need to be washed. They are stained with chocolate, milk and juice, but Namjoon refuses to wash them, only big Namjoon can put them in the washing machine and it still hurts him to see his friends inside the machine. Seokjin once made the mistake of putting them in the washing machine when Namjoon took a nap. The little one woke up, found the toys spinning in the machine and cried for whole 20 minutes until the washing cycle was over. It was a horror for him so now Seokjin always tries to ignore the dirty stuffed toys which is hard. His friends were always making fun of him for being Mr. Clean Freak but who is the one who laughs now? Seokjin because no virus can get him with his routine of cleaning everything.
Seokjin washed the plates and then goes in the living room. He knows that Namjoon is fussy, he is always fussy for a day or two when he slips in his little space after a long time when he was forced to be big. So now Seokjin gives him some space and turns the TV on. He smirks and decides to tease Namjoon a bit. He finds some TV channel where are only boring news and after a few seconds he can hear a high pitched whine coming from the blanket fort.
"Daddy, I wanna cartoons!"Seokjin exaggeratedly gasped and smiles.
"Who is speaking? Daddy sees no one, he is completely alone."
As soon as he finished speaking, Namjoon ran out of the fort with teary eyes.
"Daddy I am here!"
He throws himself on Seokjin and tightly hugs him. Seokjin just smirks and pats his back.
"Daddy .... cartoons."
Seokjin pulled Namjoon away a bit and raised one eyebrow.
"Try again."
Namjoon frowns and thinks hard before smiling.
Seokjin gives him a stern glare and gives him a warning soft smack on his diapered bottom.
"Daddy doesn't think that bratty boys can watch cartoons. Daddy also knows that you know what to say."
Namjoon froze after hearing his daddy's stern voice and whines. Seokjin can show who is the daddy in this household and if Namjoon doesn't respect it, then he will end up bent over Seokjin's knee. He can get a spanking no matter if he is big or little and that isn't the only punishment his daddy knows so Namjoon quickly finds the magical word.
"Pretty please."
Seokjin smiles and nods before finding some cartoons. Namjoon put his head on Seokjin's chest and his eyes are focusing on the colorful characters. Seokjin kissed the top of his head and closes his eyes while listening to the noises coming from the TV and the sound of his baby sucking on his pacifier.

FanfictionStories with little space about different K-pop groups. You can write your requests in comments.