Felix&Han - PART 1

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🍼little Felix

Han really enjoys being Felix's caregiver, but sometimes he wants to scream on the top of his lungs. Sometimes when Felix refuses to eat, clean his toys or have a bath, Han wants to leave the apartment and scream. Losing privacy is the hardest part of being a caregiver.

Today Han was so daring that he closed the door of the bathroom before sitting down on the toilet. Right after the door closed, Felix runs to find out where is his daddy. In Felix's little head the simple thing such as closed door means his daddy abandoned him.

The first thing Han hears is sobbing, but then Felix bursts into full-blast crying fit. Han tries to calm him down from the bathroom, but it is impossible. He thinks Felix's crying is even worse. The poor man quickly finishes his business and washes his hands before opening the door.

Felix is sitting on the floor, fat tears are rolling down his cheeks and his face is turning red.

"What is wrong? Daddy is here."

Felix can be so dramatic, he is Han's little drama queen. Wrong kind of breakfast cereal and Felix is hysterical. Han picks up his crying baby boy and pats his back.

"You wear diapers, daddy uses the toilet."

Han strokes Felix's cheeks and sighs. Felix's voice is quite hoarse now and his crying is finally silencing, he surely needs something to drink. Han holds Felix on his hip and goes in the kitchen. He opens the fridge and takes a bottle of banana&strawberry smoothie. Felix takes a sip and then goes back to clinging to his daddy. Han rubs his back and strokes Felix's hair out of his face. Felix's wet eyelashes are sticking together and his cheeks are blotchy, all of this just because Han used the toilet with closed door.

Felix is holding his daddy around neck in a chokehold, but Han can't put him down if he doesn't want to witness another meltdown. Felix slowly finishes his smoothie and rubs his nose against Han's shirt. Han frowns in disgust and gets a napkin to clean Felix's nose. The little one sobs a bit to remind daddy what he did and Han rolls his eyes. Yes, he won't close the bathroom's door again. It was a terrible mistake and now Felix is milking Han's feelings of guilt. He probably wants some unhealthy snack Han usually doesn't let him to eat. Han is weak so after some time he really carries Felix in the kitchen. He finds a bag of potato chips and Felix quickly clutches it in his hands. Felix is still whiny, but eats the snack while daddy holds him in his lap and plays with his soft hair. Han peppers Felix's cheeks with soft kisses and occasionally steals a potato chip. 

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