Hyuna&Dawn - PART 3

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🍼little Dawn

Hyuna thinks that being a mommy is great, but sometimes it is too hard. Hyojong is extremely clingy, no matter if he is in little space or no, he follows Hyuna everywhere and wants to cuddle all the time. Right now she is trying to push Hyojong off her body so she can use the toilet. Hyojong likes to sleep close to his mommy and he often ends up sleeping on the top of her.

Hyuna doesn't mind it, she finds it cute, but right now she really needs to break free to use the toilet. After few more tries she finally pushes Hyojong away and hurries in the bathroom. Hyojong is cold without his mommy's warm body and now whines to call her back.

"I am coming!"

Hyuna heard him so she better quickly calls that she is on her way before Hyojong decides to come in the bathroom. The little one sucks on his pacifier while looking at his stuffed friends which are in the bed with him. He is getting impatient, but few seconds later his mommy finally came back.

Hyuna must work today, but she found the best possible caregiver. Jessi. She wasn't very happy when Hyuna asked her, but she didn't have the heart to say no. They are friends and friends must help each other.

Jessi arrives in Hyuna's flat shortly after breakfast. Hyuna is leaving, she peppers Hyojong's cheeks with kisses and leaves. Jessi is a bit stressed out. She was never alone with Hyojong and she isn't very sure about what to do. They are looking at each other for a moment before Hyojong runs away to play with his Lego Hogwarts castle. Jessi hesitantly follows him in the living room where the little one plays.

"So ... do you want a snack?"

Hyojong glances at her and shrugs. It depends on what kind of snack she is offering. Jessi goes in the kitchen and opens a few cabinets where is a bag of pretzels. She finds Onigiri in the fridge and puts everything on a plate. Then she remembers Hyojong would maybe like to drink something so she pours apple juice in a sippy cup. Hyojong eats a few pretzels before turning back to the Lego. Jessi pulls out her phone and starts strolling on Instagram. This was a huge mistake.

Hyojong somehow senses that his babysitter isn't paying attention to him and curiously examines a piece of Lego. How does it taste? Jessi doesn't see how Hyojong put the piece in his mouth, her eyes are glued to the screen of her phone. Only a moment later, Jessi hears weird gasping noises and lifts her head.

Jessi has no idea what to do and tugs on her long hair while watching Hyojong whose face is quickly becoming red. He is choking and gasps for the tinniest bit of oxygen and something finally woke up inside Jessi. Her instincts told her what to do and she firmly pats his back, right in the middle between his shoulder blades. Hyojong gags and then the small red piece of Lego flies out of his mouth. The little one bursts into tears and Jessi picks him up. He looks okay. He can breathe and his face is slowing turning to its normal color. Jessi hurries to get a sippy cup with water and hands it to Hyojong. The little one cries, but calms down a bit after finishing the water. Jessi strokes his hair and sighs in relief. No, next time Hyuna asks her to look after him, she will say strict NO!

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