🍼little Xion
Saturday came and Ravn is looking for some plan what they could do. He is the best daddy so he needs to find something funny for their little Xion. The funny activity can't be something hard, Xiong is usually only 1 year old in his little space. The only thing he found out is going to a zoo which could be nice. Leedo agrees so after lunch and Xion's nap they got ready to go out. It means that Leedo has to pack a diaper bag with diapers, snacks and drinks for their little one and then he has to dress him. He is looking for some cute clothes and then finds blue dungarees and then he takes a yellow jumper with white bunnies on it.Leedo is helping Xion with getting dressed and soon they are ready to leave. The zoo isn't far, they need to walk for twenty minutes and then entered the zoo. Xion doesn't know which animal he wants to see as the first one so he let his daddy choose. Ravn leads his small family to the flamingo pavilion. Xion watches the weird birds and giggles when they dip their heads under the water and look for food with their beaks. Then they go in the African pavilion where are giraffes, zebras and prairie dogs. The little one would like to pet the giraffes but at least they can get a vegetable and the animals might come closer to eat it. However, when one giraffe comes closer Xion got scared and dropped the vegetable. He didn't expect that the animal will come this close and he got scared. Leedo leads his little one away and they skipped lions because they are scary. The zoo is huge and there are many animals but there are also few restaurants. They go in one of them and have a snack before continuing in meeting the animals. Xion loves zoo and the exotic animals but then he sees bunnies. Just regular bunnies who are cutely hopping around on a green lawn.
Xion is amazed. He is standing there and stares at the bunnies. There are white, black, ginger, grey bunnies and they are just cutely eating carrots and grass. The visitors can pet the bunnies and Xion quickly grabs one. He is gentle while holding the bunny and squeals in happiness. Xion absolutely loves the soft bunny and kisses its small head. Ravn and Leedo think that he is very cute until they tried to take that bunny away from him. Xion refused to give the bunny back. His caregivers are lost when their baby doesn't let go off the bunny and they really don't want to make him sad. Ravn tries it again but this time Xion's eyes filled with tears and his lower lip wobbles. They know that tears are close and if they don't want to see a public meltdown then they need to quickly solve this.
"Baby, the bunny has his family here. He would be sad if we take him away."
Xion looks at rest of the bunnies and pouts. He doesn't want to make the bunny sad but he still would like to take him home. Leedo gently takes the bunny from his hands and puts it back. Xion sadly waves to them and then let his mommy to lead him away. They get back in their car and head home but then they stop at traffic lights. There is a toy store and Ravn sees many stuffed animals in the shop window. He immediately decided to find en empty parking lot and then jumps out of the vehicle while Leedo stares at him in shock.
Ravn hurries in the toy store and buys the white bunny which was sitting between the other stuffed animals. He hurries back in the car and hands the stuffed bunny to his little one. Xion giggles when his fingers wrapped around the soft fur of the new toy and he rubs it against his cheek. Leedo smiles at his cute baby and at his partner and then kisses Xion's forehead.
"Now you have your own little bunny."
Xion smiles and immediately bites on the bunny's ear. Ravn started to drive again and Leedo is trying to gently force the bunny out of Xion's mouth. Leedo is going to prepare a bottle of warm milk for him as soon as they get home and then Xion is going to take a nap. Leedo is smiling at Ravn and he is going to reward him too for being such a good daddy.

FanfictionStories with little space about different K-pop groups. You can write your requests in comments.