🍼little Yuta
Taeyong is ironing a white shirt and frowns on the little wrinkles which keep creating no matter how hard he tries. Everything has to be perfect, their weekly lunch with his mother is coming. If he or Yuta shows and they don't look perfect, she will nag and repeat Taeyong can't take care of himself and his little one. Taeyong loves his mother, but she could stop saying that every time their clothes aren't neat.
Yuta is cute. His cuteness always saves his daddy. Taeyong's mother is retired, she was a university professor of economics. She was stern and thanks to that he got this high. However, she is different with Yuta. Yuta is her only chance how to get a grandchild.
Taeyong knows they need to buy his mother a gift, she loves getting gifts. If they go shopping, Yuta also needs to get something. Yuta is carrying a box with LEGO underneath his arm while Taeyong carries a paper bag with a gift and they enter a restaurant where his mother already waits. Taeyong hands her the paper bag and she pulls out a silk Burberry scarf. They sit down and Yuta reminds himself he can't suck on his thumb. No pacifier, no thumb ... this is boring.
Yuta knows he must be a good boy. Daddy orders him crispy chicken Milanese and Taeyong orders a steak for himself. His mother has the same questions like every week - what about work, do you eat well, do you sleep well. Taeyong knows Yuta will need to be smaller for the rest of the day. Yuta will be a little baby for the rest of the day. Taeyong doesn't mind it, Yuta is cute no matter how many diapers Taeyong has to change. The lunch is long and boring. Yuta keeps eyeing his new LEGO and chocolate cake they have in the fridge at home.
When the lunch finally ended and Taeyong's mother left, they go home. As soon as they get in their car, Yuta gets a yellow pacifier and Taeyong starts driving. When they get home, Taeyong undresses Yuta and gets comfy leggings and oversized hoodie. Yuta needs a diaper, but after getting diapered and dressed, he can take a nap. Taeyong knows the LEGO won't be opened today. Yuta is feeling too small to play with something so complicated. Taeyong tucks Yuta under a blanket and sits down on the bed. Yuta is quickly falling asleep and hugs his stuffed penguin. Taeyong is playing with his hair until Yuta falls asleep. Yuta is happy when he can be Taeyong's little baby. Grandma also ins't bad, but due to her he can't act as little as he wants. And she also pinches his cheeks.

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