Jungkook&Taehyung&Jimin - PART 1

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🍼little Taehyung

Jeon Jungkook doesn't know what he should think about himself. He is Taehyung's daddy, Jimin's husband, former member of a once famous K-pop group. Jungkook is desperately trying to get rid of the last one, that's why he has become a rapper. On the top of that, he also used revenue from his first rap album to buy a strong motorcycle from Japan. Right now the machine is standing in the garage right next to their silver Kia Sedona.

Jimin is watching Jungkook from a window on the first floor of their house. He purses his lips in annoyance and watches how Jungkook pushes the motorcycle out of the underground garage before getting on the machine.

"At least he is wearing a helmet ..."

Jimin turns away from the window while Jungkook is leaving the driveway. He has things to do. Taehyung needs to have a bath, he has to fill the washing machine and get Taehyung in bed. The little one is currently half-naked and plays in his room. Jimin sighs because their little can be difficult.

"Hey. Daddy told you to undress."

The boy shakes his head no and continues playing with action figures. Jimin sits down next to him and starts to unbutton his shirt. Taehyung whines when daddy pulls him up on his feet, but he definitely doesn't want his bum to get smacked so he follows daddy in the bathroom. Jimin twists the silver faucets and water starts to fill the tub. They found out it is easier to bath Taehyung every two day instead of forcing him to have a shower more often. Jimin throws a peach shaped bath bomb in the warm water and for a few seconds he watches how it dissolves and fizzles. Taehyung is curious. He smells peaches and peeks in the bathtub. Glitters are swirling in the water and Taehyung dips one hand inside. Jimin takes it as a signal that the little one is ready for his bath and helps him to get inside.

Jimin hands him his special bath time Barbie - it is a mermaid with light-up tail and a tiara. Taehyung starts to play and forgets about having a bath. Jimin tilts his head back to pour water on his soft hair and squeezes shampoo on the nest of wet brown hair. Taehyung is pretending he is a mermaid and makes lots of noises while daddy washes his hair and body and then wraps him in a huge and soft towel.


Jungkook's trip has no final destination. He is just riding the motorcycle and thinks. He wants to be a tough guy. His career as a rapper, his tattoos ... he does everything so people can forget he was a part of a boy group full of feminine looking boys. He doesn't pay enough attention to the slippery road and when he feels he is losing control of the motorcycle, it is too late.

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