🍼little Jungkook
Yoongi is standing in the dark hallway in front of the bathroom. He is leaning against the wall, eyes half closed while listening to Jungkooks sobs. Yoongi is trying to not fall asleep while standing there and Hoseok is bathing their little one.
This happens when Jungkook comes too tired from his daycare. If he is too tired, then his brain won't wake him up. That's why he occasionally has an accident. Hoseok has to bath him and put him in a fresh set of pajama while Yoongi changes the bedsheets. The mattress from Jungkooks bed is standing next to the bed so it can dry and the dirty bedsheets are spinning in the washing machine. This time Jungkooks urine soaked through the protective cover which should protect the mattress. Bullshit. If Jungkooks accident is bigger, then he easily soaks the cover and ruins the mattress.
Hoseok finished bathing Jungkook and now they walk out of the bathroom.
"Sorry, daddy."
Yoongi can't be mad at Jungkook. Yes, they have to buy the third mattress this year, but it isn't Jungkooks fault. Well, it is, just a little bit. He is too stubborn to wear a diaper. They tried putting him in a diaper when he is dead tired, but it always caused a meltdown so they stopped trying and started spending money on new mattress.
"No one is mad at you, okay bunny?"
Yoongi kisses Jungkooks forehead and they go in the main bedroom. Jungkook climbs in their bed and they lie down next to him. Jungkook is still occasionally sobbing, he hates waking up with wet pants and blankets ... and then he needs to wake daddies up and he knows they are tired because they work hard to buy him toys and sweets and then .... and then he cries.
Hoseok strokes Jungkooks cheeks and smiles at him.
"Everyone can have an accident, that's why it is called an accident. You didn't do it on purpose."
Jungkook shakes his head no. He definitely didn't do it purposely. Hoseok covers him with a blanket and wraps one arm around his belly. Yoongi closes his eyes and feels Jungkooks cold little feet on his thigh. Oh god, he hopes Jungkook won't have another accident. The last thing he needs on Mondays morning is waking up covered in piss.

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