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🍼little Minhee, Hyeongjun

When normal people look at the cheap plastic toys you find in a box with cereals they don't pay attention to it. However, things are different in Cravity's household.

This morning, Hyeongjun and Minhee found a plastic Batman figure. Minhee was faster, he grabbed it and Hyeongjun was left with empty hands. Of course he immediately whines and looks at Serim, daddy has to save him.

"Minhee, don't forget to share."

Minhee barely looks at his brother and runs out of the kitchen. Hyeongjun is clumsy, he always breaks toys! Minhee sits down on the carpet in his room and pulls out other figures like Thor and Spiderman. He starts to play while Hyeongjun cries in the kitchen.

Serim is trying to calm him down, but it is impossible. Hyeongjun doesn't probably like the toy, he is just mad at his brother. Serim is also mad because no one helps him.

"Allen! Woobin!"

Serim seriously needs some help and others can't be hiding from helping! He has already kicked Wonjin and Taeyoung in ass and they are outside dealing with grocery shopping.

Allen walks out of his room and picks up crying Hyeongjun. He is patting the little one's back and goes in Minhee's room.

"This isn't the way you should treat your little brother."

Minhee is trying to ignore his brother's tears, but he isn't so strong. His will is breaking because Hyeongjun sounds so sad. Minhee slowly stands up and looks on the toy for the last time before extending his arm toward his baby brother. Allen holds the toy while the little one observes it .... and then looses his interest. The toy is just a piece of plastic, he has no imagination like Minhee.

"Really? All the yelling just for this?!"

Woobin was trying to look busy in his room, but the crying was too loud to ignore it. Hyeongjun is a calm baby again and Minhee goes back to playing. Allen puts the baby on the floor and Hyeongjun crawls toward his stuffed duck which is lying abandoned on the floor. The adults sigh and need to admit - for bajilionth time - that they don't understand what is going on inside the littles' heads.

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