Yuta&Taeyong - PART 1

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🍼little Yuta

Taeyong loves Saturdays. He can sleep for really looong time, then he eats unhealthy breakfast and plays with his little one. Sundays are different, they visit his mom, but Saturdays truly belong to them. Taeyong is busy during the weekdays, he works, takes care of Yuta, he has no time to stop and enjoy a bit of time just for himself. Today he could maybe have a long and relaxing bubble bath, or he could work out - it all depends on Yuta.

The little one is usually falling in deeper headspace during weekends. Workdays are too busy, he is in a daycare where he can't be a tiny baby. Today, he needs to be a tiny baby. That means Taeyong will have his hands full. For now, Yuta is asleep in his crib. He wrapped in a yellow fleece blanket and only his head is peeking out. Taeyong knows Yuta isn't a real baby, he isn't so fragile, but he still feels tiny inside his head. However, the caregiver is still scared Yuta could suffocate.

Taeyong is lazily sprawled in his warm bed and checks the time. 9:17. He should get up and cook breakfast. Taeyong is rolling in his bed for another 20 minutes before getting up. He checks his little one - Yuta is asleep and sucks on his pacifier. Taeyong goes in the kitchen and scratches his ass before opening the fridge. He could cook huevos rancheros. Taeyong pulls everything he needs out of the fridge and starts working. He needs to be fast, Yuta is going to wake up soon.

Yuta must have some inner alarm because right in the moment when Taeyong puts food on plates, Yuta opens his eyes with a short cry. Daddy appears above him in a few seconds and picks him up. Yuta snuggles closer to daddy who peeks in his diaper to see if he is dry. He has to change him, but he is quick and soon washes his hands before picking up his baby again. Yuta babbles as if trying to say what dream he had. Taeyong carefully sits him down in his highchair, Yuta likes to move his legs to avoid being in the highchair and his actions often resulted in bruises, but he is too small today to act mischievous.

Yuta babbles and bangs his hands against the tray of his highchair.

"Okay, okay. Food is ready, there is no reason to be mad."

Taeyong put the plate on the table and scoops a bit of beans, eggs and feta and brings the spoon to Yuta's mouth. He prepared it without chilli sauce - his baby has too fine tongue. Yuta looks on the food and then opens his mouth. He is slowly chewing before smiling.

"Is it good? Did daddy do good job?"

Taeyong knows Yuta won't speak. He is too small right now so he will just babble nonsenses and make sounds. Yuta finally swallows and opens his mouth for another bite. After breakfast Taeyong picks him up and pats his back a few times. Yuta feels much better with full tummy, but now he needs a bottle of milk. Taeyong knows it so one bottle is already waiting in the bottle warmer. Taeyong sits down on the rug in the living room and sits Yuta between his spread legs. He holds the bottle of milk in front of Yuta's mouth and the baby latches on the rubber nipple. He grabs Taeyong's hand which is holding his bottle and happily drinks. Taeyong strokes his hair and makes a note to book an appointment with their hairdresser. Yuta finishes his bottle and turns around to face his daddy. Yuta smiles, the pacifier almost fell out of his mouth, and he wraps his arms around Taeyong's neck. Daddy pulls him closer and kisses his cheeks. Yuta makes a soft noise which sounds like coo and Taeyong presses his forehead to Yuta's. He is staring in Yuta's curious eyes and sees the terrifying amount of trust and love Yuta feels toward him. Taeyong rubs his back and stands up.

"I know about one box with perfect toys just for you, my baby boy."

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