🍼little Yeonjun
Soobin knows that winter is close and soon Yeonjun will catch some flu and he is going to be sick for the rest of the winter. It happens every year, but now Soobin decides how to solve this situation - a flu vaccine.
Soobin has a new boss who isnt so generous like the old one. His old boss knew that if Soobin stays at home with his sick little, he is still going to finish his work. His new boss is a bitch who tries to act important and she limited their home office to a minimum. So the flu vaccine is the only option.
Soobin got his one a few weeks ago and he feels fine so it is safe to give Yeonjun the same.
It is Saturday morning and Yeonjun is dozing off in Soobin's lap. He doesn't know why are they up this early, it is Saturday so they could have stayed in their bed. However, he is sucking on his pacifier and tightly holds his pink stuffed bunny so he is fine.
The subway isn't very crowded, but Soobin is still worried. He keeps fixing Yeonjun's face mask which is slipping down thanks to the pacifier. They finally reach their destination and Yeonjun is forced to stand up. Their doctor's office isnt far from the subway station, but the chilly weather forces them to go faster.
A nurse is already waiting for them and after spotting her, Yeonjun tears up.
"Daddy ..."
The little one thinks that a mistake happened. He isn't feeling sick so why are they seeing his doctor? Soobin sits down and starts to take off Yeonjun's coat and shoes. Yeonjun is now fully crying. This is a huge injustice! Daddy is torturing him!
The doctor opens the door of his office and Soobin half drags, half carries his boy inside. Yeonjun goes in full hysterical mode with kicking and screaming. Soobin is trying to apologize while also holding Yeonjun, but the doctor doesn't mind the outburst. He is used to this.
Soobin wraps his arms around Yeonjun's tummy and his legs restrain the little's kicking. The nurse is back and gently, but firmly holds Yeonjun's arm where the doctor will stab the needle. Soobin tries to soothe his baby, but it is obvious nothing can stop Yeonjun from screaming. The doctor finally applies the vaccine and soon it is over.
Yeonjun keeps screaming and Soobin turns him around in his lap so he can press his poor baby to his chest. Yeonjun squirms a bit, he is mad at daddy, he wont hug him anytime soon!
Soobin slowly stands up and puts their coats on. Yeonjun is still hysterically crying so Soobin carries him. They leave the building and Soobin finds a near bench where he sits down and pulls out a napkin. He dries Yeonjun's red cheeks and kisses him on the forehead.
"The doctor gave you a magical potion so you wont be sick again. You remember the ugly flu?"
Yeonjun doesn't really care. He cries and hiccups so Soobin pushes a pacifier between his lips and sighs. He is slowly walking toward the subway station while rocking Yeonjun in his arms and whispering in his ear what he is going to cook for his little muffin.

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