Seokjin&Jungkook - PART 1

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🍼little Jungkook

Jeon Jungkook knows how to get things done. Even if it means finding himself a new daddy.

No, he isn't replacing Seokjin, Seokjin is the best appa, but they need a strong daddy who could protect them and spoil them. Jungkook already knows who could be the best for this. Kim Namjoon.

Kim Namjoon, a kind and tall neighbour who lives on the same floor just 4 flats away from them. He is a firefighter, he showed Jungkook the fire station where he works and he is simply the best.

For the last couple of weeks, he and his friends try to create the best plan how to get Seokjin and Namjoon together. The caregivers at his daycare know the boy can be mischievous, but when he isn't mischievous at the daycare it isn't their problem. Jungkook and his friends created the best plan.

Jungkook will get lost, his scared appa will ask their brave neighbour and during the search for his little boy they will fall in love.

This evening, when Seokjin and Jungkook walk home, the little one waits until appa lets go of his hand when he needs to pay at a news stand. The street is busy, people are walking home and before Seokjin can grab Jungkook again, the little one disappears in the crowd.

Seokjin knows he can be hysteric, he sometimes acts like a drama queen, but this is real emergency.


Seokjin's voice isn't that loud to overpower noises of the busy street. A few people briefly look at him, but that's all. Seokjin starts to run and hopes this is the right direction. Jungkook knows what to do if he gets lost. He should look for a policeman and tell them his name and Seokjin's phone number, but who knows how will the little one act?

Seokjin is crying, his blurry vision caused he is tripping as if he is drunk and Jungkook is nowhere to be seen. Seokjin has no idea that Jungkook is running in the direction of Namjoon's fire station. Jungkook hopes that the two men will meet, but his plan works too good. Out of nowhere he bumps into someone, pretty hard if you ask him, and falls down.

A pair of long legs clad in navy blue pants is in front of him and warm hands gently grab him under armpits.

"Little guy, what are you doing here?"

Namjoon! Jungkook's heart skips a beat, but don't worry, he knows how to act like a scared bunny, this ability saved him from a punishment plenty of times.

"I am lost!"

Jungkook bursts into tears and Namjoon picks him up. The strong firefighter is holding Jungkook on his hip and they tower above other pedestrians. Suddenly Jungkook hears a familiar voice yelling in the crowd and in the blink of an eye his appa is standing in front of them.


Namjoon hands the boy to the distressed man and smiles.

"Little guy got a bit lost."

Seokjin is pressing Jungkook to his chest and only now notices his savior. Seokjin sneakily frees one of his hands and tries to tidy his look a bit. He can feel sweat dripping from his forehead and he bumped into someone with an ice cream so a big pink stain is adoring his shirt.

"How can i thank you? You saved him!"

Namjoon shakes his head no. This is his job, he loves saving people. Jungkook pretends he is really scared, but carefully watches the couple.

Meanwhile Seokjin is collecting courage to ask something. He sees Namjoon might soon start walking again so he quickly licks his lips.

"Can i invite you over for dinner?"

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