Namjoon&Taehyung&Seokjin - PART 2

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Taehyung's seizures don't happen very often, but when they occur, they are ugly. Namjoon and Seokjin were woken up in the middle of the night by a muffled shriek. They ran in Taehyung's room to find his thin body spasming and foam forming around his lips.

And now they are running in the emergency room of the nearest hospital. Namjoon is carrying still unconscious Taehyung with Seokjin running behind him. The emergency room is empty, only two nurses are doing some paperwork and a doctor with another nurse are treating a heavily drunk man who fell somewhere and injured himself.

"Please! Help!"

The doctor gives them an annoyed glance. He is used that caregivers run in the hospital with their coughing little one and demand attention from every present doctor. He turns back to his patient and begins in sewing the wound on his forehead.

Namjoon runs to the doctor with the limp little's body in his arms.

"He has epilepsy. The seizure was almost 6 minutes long and he had another one in the car."

Namjoon is desperate and angry while Seokjin is on the edge of hysteria.

"Help him!"

Seokjin is screaming on the top of his lungs in an attempt to get the doctor's attention, but it isn't working. They must help Taehyung! His baby is unconscious and his breathing is labored ... he is in danger and no one is helping him! Seokjin even forgot to take socks! His baby's feet are bare, he must be cold!

"Namjoon? Seokjin! What are you doing here?!"

They both turn around and see their friend running to them. Hoseok runs to his friend with his white coat flying behind him and he looks like an angel.

Hoseok immediately checks Taehyung's airways to make sure his breathing is fine and takes the boy from him before walking to an empty bed. He lies Taehyung down and starts to examine him.

"What happened? I thought his specialist got the seizures under control."

Seokjin sniffles and takes off his cardigan to use it as a blanket for his baby.

"I don't know ... 2 weeks ago we saw the specialist. He said we have it under control, he prescribed him some new medicine ..."

Hoseok is moving quickly and effectively and then injects something to the little one. Seokjin is still weeping and Hoseok hands him a white little pill.

"Swallow this or you are going to collapse. You need to calm down."

Seokjin takes the pill and Namjoon wraps one arm around his partner. Hoseok is fretting about Taehyung, he makes sure the boy is 110% fine and Taehyung finally wakes up a few minutes later. Seokjin quickly picks him up and tightly presses him to his chest. Taehyung is confused and bursts into tears when he realizes he isn't at home. Hoseok can send them home, the boy is alright and Seokjin is also out of his panic attack. Namjoon gathers his little boy and kisses Seokjin's cheek. Seokjin wipes his cheeks with the sleeves of his shirt and follows his husband. Hoseok waves to them for the last time before turning around.

"Doctor Lee, could I have a word with you?"

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