🍼little Jimin, Jungkook
Taehyung and Hoseok are happy with their baby boy Jungkook. Recently, they started to feel that something is missing and realized they want a second little one. That's how they found Jimin.
Jungkook doesn't know what are his caregivers doing in the empty room. The door is closed and locked, Jungkook can't see what they are doing there and they only said they are preparing a surprise. Jungkook was in a park with uncle Seokjin who seems very happy, but why? They were outside for three hours and when they came home, Seokjin turned on the TV and even prepared a bowl of cheese popcorn for him. That is weird. Seokjin usually doesn't like the TV or junk food. But Jungkook likes both, so he is silent to not change his uncle's mind. He hears his caregivers are doing something upstairs, but he doesn't care.
Taehyung and Hoseok are finishing the last details because everything has to be perfect. Only then they go downstairs to get Jungkook while Seokjin silently left. Hoseok is holding Jungkook's hand and they climb the stairs before heading to the pastel yellow door. On the door are a few small and colorful wooden blocks spelling the name Jimin. Jungkook frowns a bit, but he has no time to think about it because daddy - Taehyung - is opening the door. The room looks very different, he remembers it like a bare room with paper boxes with unnecessary things. The walls aren't white anymore, they are pastel yellow and the brown wooden floor is polished. The big window has new curtains with Winnie the Pooh and under the window is a changing table. Close to the changing table is a crib with canopy and next to it is a built-in wardrobe. But the main surprise is lying on the soft white carpet.
The surprise is Jimin. The small boy is lying on the carpet, wrapped in a lightly padded nest. A tie bow is ensuring he won't slip out and be cold. He is wearing a white bodysuit underneath and a diaper. Jungkook comes closer and kneels.
"This is Jimin, our little baby boy."
Jungkook is amazed. He stares on the peaceful face. A pair of full and pink lips and chubby cheeks! Jimin looks nothing like Taehyung or other littles he knows. Jimin is .... small. He is so small and silent, he is only sucking on a pacifier and his eyes are barely opened. Jungkook leans closer to him and buries his nose in Jimin's blond hair. Taehyung has to say the truth - when they brought Jimin home, they bathed him and Taehyung used his body wash and shampoo. So now Jimin smells like his beloved daddy. Jungkook always meets new people like this, he needs to smell them and then decides if he likes them or not.
It looks like Jungkook likes Jimin. The baby slowly opens his eyes more and squints at Jungkook. They are looking at each other until Jimin emits a soft cooing noise behind the pacifier. Jungkook giggles and pokes Jimin's soft cheeks. They really look like good brothers and Taehyung and Hoseok sigh in relief.

FanfictionStories with little space about different K-pop groups. You can write your requests in comments.