🍼little Yoongi
If you ask Seokjin what does he hate, then he would answer he hates mornings. Mornings in their home mean chaos, crying and a bit of cursing. Mornings mean Namjoon is running around their apartment to find his keys or cell phone, mornings mean Yoongi is crying because of his wet diaper. Mornings mean that Seokjin has to cook two kinds of breakfast, one for Yoongi and one for Namjoon and himself, he needs to change Yoongi, he needs to help Namjoon with finding keys or cell phone, he needs to fill Namjoon's travel mug with coffee because his husband ignores his alarm and keeps repeating he has few more minutes until it is too late. Mornings leave Seokjin exhausted and in need of a nap, but he has to take care of Yoongi.
Evenings aren't better. In evenings Seokjin is tired to death after cooking for Yoongi, playing with him and also trying to finish as much work as possible. He is looking forward to having Namjoon back home, but as a principal conductor of Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra he is very busy. Seokjin is always happy to receive a bit of help from Namjoon but knows that he is working hard and needs to get a bit of rest. The problem is that Yoongi is often acting like a stubborn brat. For example right now.
Yoongi hates taking a shower or have a bath so they force him to wash his body only every second day. Yoongi isn't dirty or sweaty so it is okay that he doesn't take a bath every day. However, he still hates it. That's why he is hiding somewhere in their apartment right now. Seokjin is trying to find him, but it is useless, Yoongi is small so he can easily fit in the smallest places. He could be anywhere, under every bed, under the couch, in a closet or in a kitchen cabinet. Seokjin is getting really, really mad.
"Kim Yoongi! Come here right now!"
Seokjin stopped yelling and looked around. Nothing. Silence. Yoongi is still hiding somewhere and ignores his appa. Seokjin is on edge of tears when the front door opened and Namjoon walked inside, carrying bucket of fried chicken from KFC. He immediately knows what is wrong and told Seokjin to start eating, he is going to bath their little kitten tonight.
"Yoongi ..... Yoongi, daddy is here."
They immediately hear some rustling and then Yoongi appeared.
He opened his arms and runs to his daddy who quickly hugs him and pats his back.
"Daddies love good boys who take a bath. A bath with many bubbles."
Yoongi squirms a bit and wants to run away again, but then his daddy shows him what he bought today just for Yoongi. It is a package of temporary tattoos with Kumamon.
"We can put one on, but after your bath."
Yoongi grips the package and his daddy takes his small hand in his. He leads him in the bathroom and starts to run a warm bath for him. The water is filling the bathtub and Namjoon turned to Yoongi to undress him. He has no idea why he hates baths and showers, so much, but Yoongi still needs to wash his body. Namjoon sat squirming Yoongi in the bathtub and adds bubbles. Yoongi finally smiles a bit when the bubbles surrounded him and grabs his pink rubber duck. The little one is suddenly much calmer and doesn't fight when Namjoon grabs a washcloth and starts to wash his back and limbs.
Meanwhile Seokjin ate few pieces of chicken and fries and then went in the living room. He is exhausted and he would like to take a shower but they have only one bathroom so he needs to wait. Seokjin gets comfy on the couch and his eyes start to close until he fell asleep. Namjoon finished bathing their baby boy and then wraps him in a big and fluffy towel. He carried the little sushi roll in his bedroom and takes Yoongi's pajama.
"Now we will eat dinner, then you will get a bottle of milk and daddy will read you a bedtime story, okay? But just one."
Yoongi nods and let his daddy to dry his body. Namjoon helps him into a thin pull up and put on his pajama pants. This pajama is Yoongi's favorite, it is white with small yellow ducks which are Yoongi's favorite animals. Namjoon takes his hand again and they go in the kitchen. Namjoon needs to feed him so he doesn't have time to look for Seokjin. Yoongi is slowly chewing on the chicken and eats small spoons of mashed potatoes and then his daddy told him to brush his teeth. Namjoon is standing next to him in the bathroom because they know Yoongi tries to avoid brushing his teeth or tries to eat the toothpaste. Namjoon goes to prepare the bottle of milk and then tucks Yoongi in his bed before he can try to start playing with the toys in his room. Yoongi starts to suck on his bottle of milk with a bit of cinnamon and Namjoon opened a book of fairytales. Yoongi cuddles with his stuffed duck and listens to his daddy while his eyelids are getting heavier with every passing second.
Namjoon reads only two pages before Yoongi fell asleep and then he sneaks out of the bedroom. He goes to find his husband and hopes that they will enjoy a few minutes alone. However the bathroom is empty, the kitchen is empty too, and then he spotted Seokjin curled into a ball and sleeping on the couch. Namjoon sighs and goes to take a shower and then put on his pajama. He goes back in the living room and stands above the couch. He would like to carry Seokjin in their bedroom, but he is too big for being carried and Namjoon doesn't want to wake him up. The only option that left is taking a blanket and pillow. He covers Seokjin with the blanket and then slowly put the pillow under his head so his husband can be comfy. After a moment of thinking Namjoon pulled Seokjin's pants down so he can be 100% comfy and then pressed a soft kiss on his forehead. Seokjin only smiles a bit from his deep sleep and Namjoon turned the lights off.
"Good night babe."

FanfictionStories with little space about different K-pop groups. You can write your requests in comments.