🍼little Yangyang
Johnny knew that taking care of Yangyang won't be easy, but Taeyong was stubborn - Jeno needs their help so they must look after Yangyang for three days. Taeyong adores the little one while Johnny feels that the cute boy is a little shit.
Yangyang is used that he gets everything he wants. Jeno works a lot so he spoils his little one and now the couple is struggling. Jeno is coming back tonight after midnight and he will come in the morning to pick up his baby. Until then they need to survive Yangyang's mood. He has already thrown two tantrums today - one after breakfast because they refused to spend more time in a park, the other one after lunch when he didn't want to have a nap.
Taeyong cooked dinner - he rarely cooks - they ate and now Yangyang wants chocolate milk. Taeyong said no because regular milk is enough, there is too much sugar in chocolate milk. That firm No leads to this moment. Yangyang is lying on the carpet in the living room and kicks around himself while screaming and crying. Taeyong is ready to break down and bring him the chocolate milk while Johnny thinks that this is the straw that broke the camel's back. He has had enough of Yangyang's behavior and he is going to stop it right now!
Johnny easily picks him up and surprised Yangyang stops screaming for a moment. He is silent only until he realizes uncle is taking him in his bedroom. Johnny doesn't know what happened. One second he was carrying Yangyang and then strong pain blossomed in his right shoulder. The pain is strong, he almost dropped Yangyang.
Johnny puts the little one down and inspects his shoulder. There are four red marks after teeth. Johnny won't tolerate this! He grabs Yangyang again and goes in the living room. Taeyong is a bit shocked when his partner placed the little one in a corner and shows him the teethmarks.
"Sit here, in silence, and think about what you did."
Yangyang is silent, he is stunned because this is completely new. His daddy never raises his voice at him, he just cleans his mess and fulfill his wishes. Johnny goes to put some ice on his shoulder and Yangyang starts to whine. Yangyang is usually feeling around 3 years old, but right now, when he is alone, he feels how is his mind slipping even deeper. He wants to be held 24/7, he wants a bottle of warm milk, he wants his pacifier!
Johnny and Taeyong don't understand what is wrong. Yangyang was grumpy and now he is whining and crying. Johnny hurries to get him and sighs.
"I think he is feeling smaller."
And he is right. Yangyang is slobbering and tries to put his fingers in his mouth to suck on them. Taeyong gets his pacifier and takes Yangyang from Johnny. The little one is silently sucking on his pacifier and lets uncle to bounce him. He is starting to feel sleepy. Luckily for him, Taeyong tucks him in their wide bed and kisses him on the forehead. Yangyang yawns and whines because he wants someone to hold him. Taeyong picks him up again and holds him in his arms. Yangyang is finally satisfied and closes his eyes. Taeyong enjoys the calm moment and tightly hugs the petite and warm body.

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