Namjoon&Jimin&Seokjin - PART 4

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🍼little Jimin

"He is awake."

Namjoon only rumbles something incoherent. Namjoon has ears, he hears Jimin's whining. He can hear him, but he decides to ignore Seokjin.

"Go, get him."

Seokjin emphasizes his words by shaking his partner's shoulder. Namjoon moans something and Seokjin kicks his butt. Namjoon finally drags his tired body from their warm bed and barely opens his eyes while making his way in Jimin's nursery.

He walks in the room and almost trips over some toys which are on the floor. Jimin is angrily squirming in his crib until daddy picks him up.

"What is wrong?"

Jimin weakly cries and Namjoon rocks him in his arms. He is calming down and Namjoon sighs. He told Seokjin that he can't overtire him and Seokjin and Jungkook didn't listen. This is the outcome, Jimin is tired and his muscles probably hurt so he can't sleep.

Namjoon sits down in the rocking chair and looks outside. There are four snowmen, they spend really long time building them and also an igloo. Namjoon is a bit sore, so Jimin must be in really big pain.

Namjoon gently kisses Jimin's forehead and starts to massage the back of Jimin's neck. The little one melts under his touches. Jimin sucks on his pacifier and looks around the room, as if he is looking for something.

"Appa is asleep."

Namjoon knows Jimin loves Seokjin, he ADORES Seokjin. But Seokjin is fast asleep, tired after cooking, cleaning their house and taking care of Jimin.

Jimin wriggles a bit and snuggles closer to his daddy. Namjoon keeps massaging Jimin's stiff back and smiles. Yeah, he is good to massage his partner or little one, but Jimin still looks around if appa isn't near.

Sometimes he is worried that he isn't spending enough time with Jimin, buying a farm sounded easy and now with all the hard work he often feels tired and maybe he sometimes ignores Jimin.

Namjoon is watching his baby who is falling asleep and he slowly gets up. He will slowly lower him back in the crib and he could get a few more hours of sleep. Jimin is slowly blinking, he is half asleep. Namjoon starts rubbing small circles on Jimin's chubby tummy and hums a soft melody. Namjoon is almost falling asleep while standing, but then Jimin emits the first silent snore and he is sure he can finally go back in his hopefully still warm bed.

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