🍼little Kai
Kyungsoo enjoys his work - earring money, being the leader and using his brain. He likes his work, but he loves coming home. You might ask why? The reason is his little one - Kai.
Kai must be the cutest little one in the entire world. Kyungsoo loves everything on his little boy, his fluffy hair, big innocent eyes, sun kissed skin .... Kai is more adorable than millions of kittens or puppies combined. The minute Kyungsoo opens the front door of their house all his stress and worries flow away. Kai is also happy to see his daddy. Kai's nanny silently leaves to give them privacy because they won't need her anymore. And if they need her, she is downstairs in her suite.
Kai and his nanny were coloring in the living room and Kai gets up from the coffee table and grabs his picture he has to show daddy. He runs to Kyungsoo with the paper flapping behind him and Kyungsoo kneels down so Kai can comfortably hug him. The little one throws himself on his daddy and tightly hugs him because he misses him every time they are apart. Kyungsoo admires the picture for a moment even if the picture is just a mess of brown circles in different sizes. Kai is recently obsessed with drawing bears and he draws a bear like one big circle, one smaller circle and four small circles.
"This is the most beautiful picture."
Kyungsoo smiles and picks up his little one. Dinner is ready, their chief has already left, he leaves after cooking dinner and comes back before breakfast time. Kyungsoo feeds Kai the pasta with sauce and chicken and then takes a shower while Kai is trying to put on his pajama. The little one is trying really hard, but the shirt is too complicated, there are too many holes. Luckily for him, Kyungsoo comes and laughs. The man is going to help his boy, but first he needs to kiss the soft and caramel colored tummy. Kai giggles while Kyungsoo takes off the shirt and guides his arms in the holes. Kai still needs to wear a pull-up at night, but then he is ready to watch some cartoons. Kyungsoo prepares a bottle of warm vanilla milk for his little and they sit down on the couch in the living room. Tonight they are going to watch The Flintstones, but Kai whines to get his teddy bear. Kyungsoo quickly hands him the stuffed bear with soft fake fur and Kai cuddles with his friend. Kyungsoo wraps one arm around Kai's shoulders and the little starts sucking on his bottle. Kyungsoo kisses the top of his head and closes his eyes while listening to the voices coming from the TV. Kai is silent, he is completely content - his daddy is hugging him, he is watching cartoons and drinks milk, that's everything he needs.

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