🍼little Taehyung
Seokjin hates to appear on the threshold of his mother's house with two bags of clothes and Taehyung's toys he packed in hurry. A purple bruise is blooming around his left eye and his lower lip stopped bleeding a while ago. Seokjin holds sleeping Taehyung on his hip and grips the bags with necessary things. He didn't dare to take the car, they traveled by train which earned Seokjin many looks from other passengers.
Seokjin's mom lives in a little house on Jebudo Island, it took them almost 7 hours to get there. Taehyung was crying for bigger part of their journey and then he cried himself to sleep. Seokjin didn't wake him up, he carried him for almost 20 minutes until he reaches his mom's house. She is probably already sleeping when he rings on the doorbell. His mom says nothing, she steps aside to let her son inside the house. She takes the bags from him and Seokjin lies Taehyung on the bed in his old room. The little one is still fast asleep and sucks on his yellow pacifier.
Seokjin goes in the little bathroom next to his room and washes his face with cold water. Meanwhile, his mom is preparing a cup of hot tea for her son. She has some japchae in the fridge and heats it up for him. Seokjin sits down in the kitchen and sips the tea. She is watching her son's face and sighs. She knows she must be silent, Seokjin doesn't want to listen to her advices. They drink tea in silence, but soon Seokjin goes back in his room and lies down next to Taehyung. He didn't manage to pack many things, he has some cash, his phone and laptop and clothes. Taehyung will be probably very soon tomorrow because Seokjin couldn't pack many of his toys. Or maybe he will be just sad, sad that his daddy hit appa ... again. Seokjin starts crying and quickly presses a palm over his mouth to muffle his sobs. What is he going to do? He is promising to himself he won't go back, not this time because this time he even hit Taehyung.
Living with grandma isn't bad. She doesn't have so much money like his daddy, but she bakes and cooks for them. Appa finds a job in a local supermarket so he spends lots of time with grandma. It means Taehyung is also helping grandma with taking care of her garden. Today they are collecting red and big tomatoes, grandma will cook a tomato soup when a policeman appeared. Stonewalls around their garden aren't tall, it only reaches to the policeman stomach. He is holding a black cat and calls his grandma.
"Hello, don't you know if this cat belongs to someone? A car almost hit her."
Grandma shakes her head no and Taehyung goes closer to the policeman.
"Can I pet the kitten?"
The man hands him the black cat who immediately licks his fingers. Taehyung is cuddling with the cat and completely forgets that it is late, his appa is coming back. Seokjin gets scared after seeing the policeman, but the man isn't there because of him. Taehyung and his mom go inside to find some food for the new family member and Seokjin looks at the young policeman.
"Jeon Jungkook."
The man reaches his hand toward Seokjin who hesitantly shakes hand with him.
Jungkook smiles at him and spots the fading bruise. He recognizes the fear in Seokjin's eyes or the way the old lady clutched Taehyung's hand when she spotted a policeman.
"You must be new in our city. I am leading a self-defense course if you are interested."
Seokjin slowly nods and turns around. Mom is already in the kitchen cooking dinner and he should help her. The young policeman waves to him and then starts walking away. Seokjin goes inside the house and sighs after seeing Taehyung playing with the cat. Mom is peeling the tomatoes and briefly looks at her son.
"He is single."

FanfictionStories with little space about different K-pop groups. You can write your requests in comments.