🍼 little Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi and Jimin
Chaos. This is the only word Seokjin can use for describing their house. He is currently standing in the kitchen with two littles, Taehyung and Jungkook, wailing and hugging him around his legs. Third little, Yoongi, is placed on his hip and cries too. The fourth little's, Jimin, location is unknow. Poor Seokjin is on edge of mental breakdown. He is tired because Yoongi has constipation and has kept him awake almost whole night. He is hungry because he wasn't able to cook anything yet. On top of it he is angry. Other caregivers aren't here to help him. Namjoon is sleeping because he has worked on his new album during night instead of sleeping so he is doing it now. Hoseok went out to buy milk but in other words he has ran away.
Seokjin and Namjoon have little Yoongi and Jungkook as their babies. Namjoon is their appa and Seokjin is their eomma, but he is eomma for all four littles. And Hoseok is daddy of little Taehyung and Jimin.
Seokjin has enough of screaming of the babies and walked to his and Namjoon's bedroom where is his lovely hubby sleeping like a log. Seokjin marched right in the bedroom with wailing Yoongi on his hip and two crying littles behind him. He smacked Namjoon's head because he knows that he is only pretending the deep sleep. No one could be able to sleep in this noise.
"Why are you waking me up Jin?"
Seokjin's look tells him to better shut up.
"Why Namjoon? You are the one with genius IQ but still I will say you why! While you are sleeping here and Hoseok is somewhere outside I am taking care of FOUR littles! So here!"
Seokjin put crying Yoongi on his chest and tries to soothe crying Taehyung and Jungkook. Finally he knows why are they crying. Jimin took their favourite musical dancing penguin while Taehyung and Jungkook wanted to play with it and has ran away with the toy. Jimin isn't as little as other littles. Jimin's little space age is around three years while Yoongi is always in baby space, Taehyung and Jungkook are one year old and sometimes fall in baby space too. Sometime Jimin is mischievous and torments the other boys. Seokjin is trying to find Jimin or the toy but without results.
"Jimin come to eomma at the drop of the hat!"
Seokjin is listening if he can hear soft steps of Jimin's socked feet but nothing. Jimin is stubborn and doesn't leave his hiding place.
"Okay, I am going to get your daddy and he won't be happy that you make the babies cry. Maybe daddy will spank you."
Seokjin thought that the vision of spanking will scare Jimin but again without result.
"Fine you naughty boy!"
Seokjin is really angry now and pointed at Namjoon who is holding Yoongi on his hip.
"You take care of the boys and I am going to find the horse face."
Namjoon is scared and only nodded. Taehyung and Jungkook are too tired to cry and stare at Namjoon with tearful eyes.
"What about bottles for you baby boys?"
They both nodded and grabbed hem of Namjoon's shirt. They go behind Namjoon like small puppies and only sniffle. Namjoon smiled because now it is easy. After the bottle of warm milk they will be sleepy so he will put them down for nap. Namjoon's smile freeze when he spots the empty space where is usually standing big bottle of milk.
"Huh we don't have milk."
And the two babies behind him started to cry again because they want the penguin toy or milk.
Meanwhile Seokjin is striding through the streets of Seoul. He didn't take car because he knows that Hoseok will be somewhere close to their house. Suddenly Seokjin spotted the stupid horse face in the coffee shop. Seokjin stormed inside and strides to his table.
"You are going with me!"
Seokjin grabbed Hoseok's ear and dragged him back home. He doesn't care about Hoseok's whining and finally they are at home. Jin pointed at scared Hoseok who is rubbing his hurt ear.
"You find Jimin and the toy!"
Then Jin turned to Namjoon and pointed at his hubby.
"You make bottles for every little."
Namjoon and Hoseok scurry to fulfil their commands and Seokjin lifted tiny Yoongi from the portable crib standing in the living room.
"Time to do something with your constipation."
Jin found suppositories to get rid of Yoongi's constipation and walked out of the bathroom. Hoseok has found Jimin who is now sitting on small stool in the corner as punishment for hiding the toy and for refusing to show up when eomma called him.
Jungkook and Taehyung are sucking on bottles of warm milk and watch cartoons for babies. Seokjin opened the box with suppositories and brace himself for the upcoming battle. No one would like to have suppository in his ass and Yoongi is now tiny baby so Jin will need to hold it inside with his finger. But suddenly something inside him screamed no.
Who was awake whole night because of the sick baby? He was. Who is able to change three diapers in less than five minutes? He is. Who is in charge of cooking? He is! And the most hard working caregiver in this house needs to relax.
"Here are suppositories for Yoongi. Hold one inside until it dissolves."
He shoved the box in Namjoon's hand and gave him Yoongi.
"I am going to spa for few hours. Bye!"
With that Seokjin took his wallet and jacket and left the house. The loud bang of the front door startled Taehyung and when he started to cry Jungkook joined him. Jimin is angrily screaming in the corner and Yoongi is crying with Namjoon's finger in his bum. They are sure that they will better help to Seokjin with taking care of the littles if he promises that he won't leave them alone like this again.

FanfictionStories with little space about different K-pop groups. You can write your requests in comments.