Bangchan&Felix - PART 2

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🍼little Felix

Chan is close to tears. Felix decides to be the fussiest cry baby today and Chan can't stop him. He is only trying to give him a bath after a long day full of playing outside. Felix thinks Chan's way of washing his hair is wrong and he is a bit right.

Chan's fingers aren't used to this fine "work". Usually, Hyunjin baths Felix and gets him ready for bed. And now Hyunjin isn't there and Chan has to deal with this.

Felix is angrily crying and the shampoo in his eyes isn't helping.

"Mommy does it different ... and better."

Chan puffs out his cheeks and rinses Felix's body and hair with warm water. He picks him up from the bathtub and wraps him in a huge fluffy towel. Felix still sniffles and pouts, he hates when mommy isn't back home at evening. Chan carries Felix in his room and gently drops him on the bed. Felix's room is probably the cutest place which can be ever created - there is a fluffy carpet, the bed has white canopy, on the bed is sitting a wide collection of stuffed animals and on a shelf is collection of Felix's snow globes from places they have visited like Paris or Tokyo.

Chan dries his hair and body while Felix squirms. Mommy always plays peek-a-boo with him. Chan sees the displeasure in Felix's face, but he is also tired, he wants to tuck him in bed and lie down. Chan grabs Felix's white nightdress with yellow stars and holds it for the little one so Felix can slip it on. Chan lifts the covers and Felix lies down. Chan tucks the blanket around Felix's small body and makes sure his baby is comfy. Felix sucks on his pacifier and reaches toward his stuffed animals to grab a white kitten.

Chan sits down on the edge of the bed and takes half finished book they read at bedtime. Felix closes his eyes and sighs - at least daddy reads the story better than mommy. Chan reads four pages before he realizes Felix is fast asleep. He sighs and stretches his legs. Felix is sometimes really stubborn, sometimes he is fussy, loud and quite annoying, but the moments when he is this cute are definitely worth it.

Chan kisses the top of Felix's head and sniffles to his hair that smells like strawberries. He closes the curtains and turns on the little night light. He silently leaves the room and goes in their bedroom. Chan collapses on the bed and throws a pillow over his head. He is so warm, comfy and tired. Chan really wants to stay awake and wait for Hyunjin, but his fight against sleep is useless. He is fast asleep when Hyunjin gets back from work and doesn't wake up even when his partner lies down next to him and wraps his arms around him.

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