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🍼little Chanyeol

Kyungsoo is usually perceived like a cold asshole who is forcing his employees to work hard until their hands are bleeding. Kyungsoo won't argue, he is a cold asshole, but not to everyone. He definitely isn't cold toward his little one.

Chanyeol is always trying to be the best boy to make his daddy happy. However, two days ago he didn't act like the best boy ... and got sick. Chanyeol and his friends played in the fresh snow in the garden of their daycare. They didn't mind that there isn't even 1 inch of snow and Chanyeol couldn't resist and tasted the fresh snow. Now he regrets it, really bad.

His throat hurts, he is cold and hot in the same time and his head is throbbing in pain. On the top of that daddy doesn't let him to leave the bed. He is wearing a pull-up (just in case he has an accident), sucks on his favorite pacifier and hugs his stuffed Corgi puppy. Kyungsoo finished cooking a strong chicken soup and now carries the soup, sippy cup with warm tea and a cup with medicine in Chanyeol's room.

Chanyeol eats the soup his daddy feeds him, takes a few sips of the warm tea, but quickly closes his mouth as soon as he spots the cup with medicine.

"Come on, this will help to chase the germs away."

Chanyeol isn't really sure. He knows that every medicine tastes bad, disgusting medicine is the last thing he wants or needs.

"You will feel better after drinking this. I promise."

Chanyeol frowns and looks in the cup again.

"Daddy promise?"

Kyungsoo nods and the boy slowly takes the cup and drinks the medicine. It has weird taste so he is glad that there is still some tea left. After feeding him, Kyungsoo tucks him under a blanket and checks his temperature again. Chanyeol's fever isn't so high anymore so Kyungsoo has less worries.

"Now you will sleep."

Chanyeol closes his eyes and Kyungsoo starts to play with his hair. It feels nice to be with his daddy. He usually spends workdays waiting for his daddy in the daycare, but today they are spending the day together. Maybe they will spend also tomorrow together, it depends if Chanyeol still feels sick. Not like he wants to be sick, being sick means he can't play and has to stay in bed.

Kyungsoo stays next to his little one for a long time to make sure he is fast asleep, but then he really needs to work because his job is both demanding and well-paid.

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