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🍼 little Chan

Chan is happy that he is a little with so many caregivers, but he doesn't fully realize that the whole band Seventeen is tired of their life as idols and taking care of a little is really hard and exhausting. Fact that Chan needs diapers and pull ups when he is in little space isn't helping helping. Chan needs pull ups during day and diapers at nights and the members need to constantly check him up and change him. Today all the members decided that their little needs to start using potty. S.Coups, Jeonghan and Joshua are the oldest so they have the last word in deciding about their baby and they agreed with rest of the group. Chan has to learn how to use potty.

Right in the morning Chan lies on bed in his bedroom and waits for one of his daddies to put him in fresh pull up. To his shock S.Coups comes without a diaper or pull up but with Jeonghan and Joshua. They sit down on his bed next to him and Jeonghan wrapped his arm around his shoulders and smiled on their baby.

"You are our smart boy, am I right? So you can use the potty."

Chan frowned because he doesn't want to use the potty. But his daddies told that he is smart. Jeonghan leaded him in bathroom and sat him down on the toilet bowl. Chan is peeing and then washed his hands and his daddy helped him to wash his face and combs his hair. Then it is time for breakfast and after food they have dance practice. Chan is still in little space but he isn't small, he is about seven years old so he has no problem with listening to commands of their dance teacher. After three hours they have break for snack and Chan even got a bag of chips with pizza flavor as a reward for being good. Also he used the toilet on his own and his daddies are happy that they don't have so much work as before. No more of changing diapers. After dance practice they have meeting with their boss and discuss about their upcoming album. Chan is sitting silently between his daddy S.Coups and Jeonghan who are keeping an eye on him so he won't disturb the meeting. Then they can go home and ordered pizza for dinner. When it arrived SEVENTEEN gathers around dining table and Chan climbed into Joshua's lap which is his seat for tonight. He is chewing on his piece of cheese pizza and happily looks around the room. Everyone is too tired but smiled at their little boy. After dinner Chan runs in living room and turned on cartoons. Rest of SEVENTEEN is relaxing, they read books or listen some music and few of them watch TV with Chan who is happily smiling, because he likes that with so many daddies he is never alone. After enough cartoons it is time for bath.

Vernon and Mingyu run warm bath for him and then put few toys inside so Chan will be still during his bath. The little got inside and starts to play with toys while his two daddies wash him. After bath he is wrapped in a towel and waits for a diaper which doesn't come. He is always deeper in his little space when it is time for bed. Jeonghan comes to dress him in pajama and also brings bottle of warm milk. Chan is drinking his warm milk and he is almost asleep when his daddy kissed his forehead and tucked him under blanket. Chan is peacefully sleeping with his stuffed puppy pressed to his chest until a weir feeling woke him up. Something warm is covering his thighs and crotch and it woke him up. Chan rolled over and slowly opened his eyes. Why are his clothes sticking to his skin? Chan pulled the blanket away and gasped. He peed his bed! Chan jumped up and stares on the bed. There is huge wet spot and it stinks really terribly. Chan bites on his fingers and doesn't know what to do. His daddies can't find out about his accident, they said that he is smart enough for using potty and now this! Maybe he can hide the wet bedsheets. Chan quickly pulled it off and rolled it up into a ball. Now he needs to hide it somewhere. Chan is desperately thinking until he remembers that there is a storage. It is small room with many shelves where the members put all the things which they are not using but don't want to throw them out. Chan silently sneaked there and hided the bedsheet behind boxes with roller skates, some shoes and books. Chan stuffed the bedsheet there and silently runs to closet where are towels, bed linens and other things. He takes same bedsheet as the ruined one and quickly pulled it on his mattress. He changed his pajama pants and then laid down in his bed again.

It feels like he wasn't sleeping for more then few hours when his daddy Joshua gently shakes his shoulder. Chan got up and quickly went in bathroom because he wants to take a shower. Joshua turned on the water for him and then washed his hair and back. Chan is happy that his skin isn't getting irritated with his own urine anymore and Joshua helped him to get dressed. They have breakfast and then it is time for two hours long singing lesson and three hours long dance lesson. They are tired but then need to promote their new album. Being an idol is hard so they arrived home very tired again and had only quick ramen for dinner and they went in bed. Chan is sleeping but after few hours he woke up wet again. Chan whined in fear because he doesn't feel good when he has to lie to his daddies. Of course that he thought about saying about his accidents to his daddies but he can't. His daddies like only smart boy and he can't say that he is having accidents. Chan hided the bedsheets again and in the morning he can't even look in eyes of his daddies. Today they are attending recordings of music show and his daddies see that something is wrong with Chan. Theirs little isn't looking in their eyes and he is unusually quiet. They can't solve it right now when there are so many people around and need to wait until they come home. Chan goes in his room and he is glad that he has room only for himself. Chan has early bedtime than rest of the members so they gave him this room and now he can silently sit there and thinks about his accidents.

Meanwhile Vernon decided that they can give their old things to charity. He opened door of their storage and cringed because something is stinking there really bad. Vernon is trying to find source of the terrible smell and then found the wet bedsheets. He cursed because what the hell is this!


He found him in the kitchen and Jeonghan yelled in disgust but then it hit him. It stinks like urine and who could have an accidents?

"Chan! Baby come here."

After a while they hear soft steps on the stairs and the little walked inside the kitchen.

"Don't you have something to tell us?"

His daddies are giving him stern glares and Chan hesitantly goes closer and then spotted the wet bedsheets. He wants to turn around on his heel but Joshua grabbed him under armpits and picked him up. The daddies sighed because teaching their baby how to use the potty went really bad.

"We can't trust you. You simply want to be our tiny baby."

Chan nodded and Jeonghan goes to get a fluffy diaper while Joshua laid their baby on couch in the living room. Jeonghan diapered him and then patted his padded bum.

"I don't mind changing your diapers and pull ups but you are still going to be punished for not telling us about your accidents."

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