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🍼little Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi

Namjoon can't sleep and he also can't toss in their bed unless he wants to wake up his husband. Christmas. All the rush and chaos cause he can't sleep. Namjoon silently slips from under the warm covers and he briefly looks at sleeping Seokjin before sneaking out of their bedroom.

Namjoon's brain is still working. Did he buy everything? Will his boys like their presents? Maybe if he walks around their house he will calm down a bit.

Namjoon stops in front of Hoseok's and Yoongi's bedroom. He slowly opens the door and peeks inside. They are both fast asleep - Yoongi is curled up like a cat while Hoseok is sleeping on his stomach. Namjoon gently turns to him so he is resting on his back, sleeping on your stomach isn't good.

Then he peeks in Jimin's bedroom. This room is the smallest, but Jimin can't share a room. He is their tiny baby who likes to cry. Namjoon peeks in Taehyung's and Jungkook's bedroom.

To his surprise Namjoon finds his little tiger awake. Taehyung is watching his daddy who slowly sits on the edge of his bed.

"Tiger, why are you awake?"

Taehyung shrugs, but Namjoon knows he is lying.

"I don't want Santa to be mean to Jungkook because he misbehaves."

Namjoon sighs. Yes, Jungkook and his misbehaving. It isn't Jungkook's fault, he suffers from ADHD and it always brings him into troubles. Today, he ate the cookie dough Seokjin prepared and left in the fridge. Seokjin punished him, Jungkook had to sit in the corner for naughty boys.

"Santa knows Jungkook is a good boy. He understands it isn't Jungkook's fault."

Taehyung nods and looks at his sleeping brother. Jungkook is asleep, but still pouts. Jungkook and Taehyung are like twins, they really love each other, but sometimes fight like every siblings.

Namjoon fixes Taehyung's blanket and strokes his hair.

"Don't worry so much. Jungkook is a good boy, just like you."

Namjoon keeps stroking Taehyung's hair until the boy closes his eyes and falls asleep. Only then Namjoon goes in the kitchen where he pours himself a glass of cold water. He slowly drinks and thinks. He gives his boys the same amount of love, but sometimes he catches himself loving Jungkook the most. He doesn't know why. Jungkook is cute, but all of their boys are cute. Jungkook somehow reminds him himself when he was a kid and he knows how hard it can be.

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