New Year in San Francisco

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Celestia woke up by the sound of The Tardis. She groaned as she got up from her bed. She always hated when her sleep got interrupted by something. She walked up to the console room to see what was on the screen. It showed the location of The Doctor and said that he was in a serious trouble. Worried about her best friend, she immediately went to Protector's side to wake him up so both of them would hep their friend together.

"Protector, wake up! Protector, please!" She said as she shook her brother.

Protector woke up with a groan, feeling slighly angry at his sister for waking him up just when he fell asleep.

"What, what is it? What's wrong?" He asked, noticing the look on Celestia's face.

"We have to go to Earth, to San Francisco. The Doctor is in trouble. We have to help him!"

"Oh no." The Protector said, getting up from his bed immediately. "Go back to the console room and type in the coordinates. I have to change into my normal clothes."

"Be quick." Celestia ordered as she ran to the console room to do exactly what her brother said.

The Doctor, on the other hand, had just regenerated into his eighth incarnation because the human doctors couldn't understand what he was so they accidentally killed him, made him regenerate. This regeneration took longer than the others but he still managed to survive. The only problem was that he didn't remember who he was. He followed the cardiologist, Doctor Grace Holloway that operated on him and asked of her help. She didn't help him because she thought he was crazy. But when she saw how he was injured, similar to the patient she attended, she decided to help. They went to Grace's house where The Doctor found new shoes. Grace tried to figure out who, and what he was. Together, they decided to take a walk outside as The Doctor tried to remember some of his memories. Suddenly, The Doctor fell to the ground.

" What is it?" Grace asked as she helped him stand up.

"Something's happening. Something's happening. Something's happening." The Doctor said, panting. All of a sudden he stopped and looked at Grace.

"I know who I am!" He said excitedly and kissed Grace. She kissed him back.

"I am the Doctor!" The Doctor said after they pulled away. He seemed very happy to finally remember who he was.

"Good!" Grace exclaimed. "Now do that again." She said as she looked at his lips. He leaned in for another kiss.

"No!" The Doctor said suddenly as he pulled away from Grace.

"What?" Grace asked, sounding confused.

"No. I saw him. The Master is here." The Doctor felt extremely worried. He was dead how he could survive this too?

"What are you talking about?" Grace still didn't understand what was going on.

"He's planning to take my body, so that he will live and I will die!" He abruptly stopped. "Oh, no! He has opened the Eye of Harmony." He said with wide eyes.

"What is the Eye of Harmony?" Grace started feeling a little bit uncomfortable.

"Wait, wait." The Doctor said as he closed his eyes. "I mustn't let him see you, but it may be too late."

Then he kept his eyes closed and his face turned away from her as he tried to explain what The Master, The Tardis and The Eye of Harmony is. Not believing what she heard, Grace ran away from him. He came after her begging for her help but she didn't listen. Instead, she called for an ambulance that would take the Doctor to the psychiatric. Then, The Doctor proved to her that the Earth was in danger by putting his hand in the mirror and it started to melt. He walked through the window glass, which wibbled back into place, unbroken.

"By midnight tonight, this planet will be pulled inside out. There will be nothing left." The Doctor said. He, then looked at the TV, while Grace looked out of the window waiting for the ambulance to come. The Doctor figured that he needed an beryllium clock and lucky for him, the TV showed where he could find it. Then, the ambulance came and they all got in.

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