Storm Warning - Part Two

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"What was that?" Charley asked as she heard a screeching sound.

"Above us, to stern. The cabin deck. Come on!" The Doctor said as he started to run, tightening his grip on Celestia's hand.

"Doctor, Celestia, you two still haven't told me who you really are yet." Charley said as she tried catch up to them.

"Charley, we have. Come on!" Celestia shouted as she and The Doctor continued to run.

"Oh, what's the use." Charley rolled her eyes. "Wait for me!" She exclaimed.

"It won't budge. Mister Rathbone? Mister Rathbone." The man in front of them said. "I'm gonna get help, Mister Rathbone. I, I can't quite..."

"Help's arrived. Chief Steward Weeks, isn't it? Now, what's going on inside? Oh yes, the mysterious cabin 43." The Doctor said as he banged on door. "Hello? Hello, what's going on in there?"

"Who the devil are you, sir, ma'am?" Weeks questioned the Time Lords: "And as for you Merchford, or whatever your name is." He turned his attention to Charley.

"It's Charley. You heard. This here is the Doctor and Celestia." Charley replied.

"Doctor? What Doctor?" Weeks asked, confused: "We don't have a doctor on board."

"You do now. Well, don't just stand there, Steward, help me force the door." The Doctor, let go of Celestia's hand and urged him to help as they banged against door with grunts. "One more heave." He said. Celestia was about to help them but she stopped when The Doctor said: "No, you just stand there please." This made Celestia puff.

They managed to smash the door open. Inside, they heard a Vortisaur screeching.

"What is it?" Charley asked.

"Get this bloody thing off my arm." The man whose name was, Celestia thought, Rathbone said.

"Pterasauria Vortexfera." Celestia clarified.

"We call it a Vortisaur. Stop struggling, Mister Rathbone, isn't that what the Chief Steward said?" The Doctor said.

"You're only making it worse." Celestia finished for him.

"Vortsi what?" Weeks asked The Doctor, obviously not hearing a name like that before.

"Got to ... force its ... jaws." The Doctor continued, ignoring Weeks. "Lucky it's only got its head through the port hole. Very tenacious, Vortisaurs."

"Once they've got the smell of blood in their nostrils ..." Celestia said when The Doctor interrupted her:

"It's no good, I need something to ..." He suddenly thought of something: "Steward, that coffee pot, just outside. Come on, come on!"

Weeks lifted the metal object up. "Er, got it. What, er...?"

"Oh, just give it here." The Doctor said as he opened the lid. "Sorry, old chap, you're not going to like this one little bit." He apologized beforehand.

"It's all right." Rathbone said. "Just do what you have to, eh?"

"He wasn't talking to you." Celestia said as the liquid hissed making Vortisaur cry.

"It burns!" Rathbone gasped. "But not as much as it burned that creature, eh?" He laughed.

"Do you think this is funny?" Celestia said angrily.

"It wasn't the heat, it was the taste it objected to, but I'm afraid it won't be gone for long." The Doctor said.

"Saw something like that when I took the young uns to the Natural History Museum. Some sort of flying dinosaur." Weeks explained.

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