The Chimes of Midnight

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"Well Charley, where are we?" The Doctor asks to Charley who is outside of The Tardis whereas both Time Lords are inside.

"I don't know, Doctor. It's too dark." Charley says.

"What?" Celestia questions.

"I said, it's too dark. I can't see a thing." Charley explains again. The Time Lords exit The Tardis, holding each other's hand because it really is dark.

"You're right. It is very dark. How exciting. I do love the dark, don't you?" The Doctor asks them.

"Well, within reason. But I think you can have too much of a good thing." Charley says.

"Oh, it all just enhances the mystery, the sheer anticipation of not yet having a clue where we are." The Doctor says.

"Doctor, I'm afraid of the dark." Celestia says, sounding scared.

"Dear, you'll be fine. I'm right beside you." The Doctor reassures her.

"Don't let go of my hand, please." Celestia insists.

"I won't, I promise." The Doctor says.

"You two really haven't got a clue about where we are?" Charley asks them.

"The console isn't telling us anything at all, just a blank readout." Celestia says.

"Oh, that sounds ominous." Charley remarks.

"No, not at all." The Doctor says. "I've been too methodical recently I think, setting co-ordinates and things, actually deciding where we want to go. I've been getting far too safe and predictable these last few incarnations. Do you know, Celestia and I once travelled for centuries, without ever knowing where we'd materialise next?" The Doctor asks.

"Yes, I can believe that." Charley says as she laughs. "However, you were supposed to be getting me to Singapore, you know. Nineteen Thirty, remember?" She questions.

"The TARDIS seems to be avoiding that precise location or time just now." Celestia says.

"We'll get there later, Charley." The Doctor assures her. "I thought it was time we put a bit more mystery in our lives." He says excitedly. "Let the TARDIS take us where she wants, and let us revel in the giddy thrill of our ignorance." He says.

"Oh, not knowing where we are and figuring out as time passes? I'm so in, sweetheart." Celestia says, sounding excited.

"Glad to hear that, dear." The Doctor says, smiling fondly at her excitement.

"And she's brought us somewhere dark." Charley remarks.

"Mm. Mind you, it really is very dark, isn't it?" The Doctor questions.

"Yes." Charley says.

"Yes. We can't see a thing, can we?" The Doctor questions again.

"No." Celestia says this time.

"No. Quite how the TARDIS expects us to enjoy a good mystery when we can't see a thing is beyond me." The Doctor remarks. "Ah, hang on, we'll go and find some torches." He walks off with Celestia, both of them rummaging through items.

"Pretty sure we have them in a box somewhere." Celestia says.

"Yes, we definitely do." The Doctor agrees. "Try to investigate a little further, Charley, find out where we've landed this time." He tells her.

"How do I do that? I can't even see my hand in front of my face." Charley says.

"Sight is just one of your five senses. What do the others tell you?" Celestia questions.

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