Prologue -

1.6K 58 7

February 25, 2010

"No! Mommy please don't do this to me! Please!" Zhari yelled through her tears. At now age 13, Zhari was being sold by her mother, Myline, to a guy named Pharaoh.

Zhari wasn't Myline's only child. She also had a 11 year old daughter named Kaiah and a 20 year old son named Ke'Andre.

Her youngest daughter, Kaiah, is with her father. The same place Zhari is supposed to be right now. Myline and Solomon, their father, have joint custody of Kaiah and Zhari. Solomon gets them every weekend and on holidays.

The reason Zhari isn't with her father right now is because Myline said that she was on punishment. The real reason was because she was selling her to a child molester for 15,000 dollars.

Myline was beautiful. Her father was black and her mother was Brazilian. Myline and her parents lived in Brazil up until she turned 17. Myline met Solomon when she came to America.

Solomon was black, full black giving his children half of him and unfortunately half of their mother. When they first met, Myline was perfect in his eyes.

Who would have known that she would be capable of doing the sick shit she was doing right now at this very moment?

Solomon of course knew nothing of this arrangement. If he did, he'd be moving hell and high water looking to save Zhari and to kill Myline and Pharaoh.

When Myline told Solomon that Zhari couldn't come this weekend, they argued. But knowing that he wouldn't win this battle without the police getting involved, he just let it be.

He talked to Zhari first to make sure that she was okay and she confirmed she was, not knowing that hours later she would be getting sold to be someone's sex slave.

"Zhari, stop all the crying. I have no use for you anymore. You or Kaiah. She would have been getting sold too for double the money but if I would have kept you both home, your father really would've known something was up. And she's not developed enough anyways. So, don't take it so personal honey. This is my business and you are Pharaoh's pleasure. This is just how it has to be." Myline said to her daughter with a bright smile across her face.

Myline felt like she didn't need her children anymore. Solomon had moved on and remarried a beautiful black woman named Adrianne who Zhari, Kaiah, and Ke'Andre all adored. Myline felt that since Solomon moved on that she would too leaving her children behind and getting paid for one of them.

"Why?! Why are you doing this?!" Zhari cried. Pharaoh was holding her arms behind her back as she tried to pull away from him to get back to her mother. It was 3 in the morning and they were in a dark alley. No one could hear her scream or cry.

Why was Myline doing this? She never wanted kids in the first place. When she first had Ke'Andre, things between her and Solomon were still okay. Then when she got pregnant with Zhari, she wasn't even going to tell Solomon she was pregnant. She was just going to get an abortion without him knowing.

But when their marriage started to teeter totter on the rocks by the time baby Ke'Andre turned 3, she knew that in order to keep Solomon, she had to keep the baby.

Then 3 years after giving birth to Zhari, their marriage was falling yet again. This resulted in Myline making sure Solomon came inside of her whenever they had sex. This is what got her pregnant with Kaiah.

When Kaiah had turned one, Myline and Solomon's marriage was on the rocks again so Myline just gave up. She was tired of popping out babies just to keep him. She started to feel as if he only wanted her for her eggs.

Which wasn't true, Solomon loved Myline with every fibre of his being. He started to notice certain changes in her that he wasn't very fond of. He was only staying for his children. Until he couldn't take it anymore.

They filed for divorce and battled in court for custody of their 3 kids. The only reason Myline didn't willingly let Solomon keep them was because she knew that she would need one of them one day.

Selling Zhari was Myline's revenge on Solomon. She would be winning the war without Solomon knowing because she wasn't going to tell him that she sold their daughter. She was going to tell him that she ran away without a trace.

Her plan was to get rid of Zhari, take the 15 grand, then disappear. She was gonna make it seem like Zhari "running away" was too much for her to handle so she had to get away, leaving Kaiah with Solomon.

"Daddy will find me you stupid bitch! He'll find me and you'll regret this!" Zhari yelled to Myline fighting to get out of Pharaoh's grasp.

Myline smacked Zhari in the face. "Who do you think you're talking to? I am your mother! Watch your damn mouth!"

"You're not my mother you stupid whore! I hate you! I hate you so much, I hope you rot in the pit of hell where you belong!" Zhari screamed kicking and fighting to get away from Pharaoh.

Myline smacked Zhari harder this time.

"Calm down, Myline." Pharaoh spoke. "I'll put this pretty little smart ass mouth to better use."

"Help! Help me please!" Zhari yelled to no one in particular.

"No one can hear you, baby. I like the way you scream though. Can't wait to hear you scream my name." Pharaoh said to Zhari rubbing his head down her cheek.

"Don't touch me!" Zhari yelled jerking her head away from his hand.

"Is it all here?" Myline asked holding up the bag which contained the money.

"Yes, damn. Would you like to count it first or can we go?" He snapped at her.

She stared into the bag for a moment.

"Fine. I trust you. Just go. Love you Zhari." She said with a wicked smirk.

"I hate you! I hate you!" Zhari repeated over and over as Pharaoh pushed her into the back of the car leaving Myline to glory in her 15K.

Zhari had officially been introduced to hell.

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