Chapter 34 -

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I really want EVERYONE'S opinions about the baby's name. Please just comment which you prefer 🙄 either Jaice Amir Carter or Jay'Vere Almir Carter. Or Jaice Almir Carter; Jay'Vere Amir Carter

~•Zhari Giovanni Welsh•~

Today is June 30th, 3 days after my due date and I'm still as pregnant as before. My 20th birthday was about 2 weeks ago on the 17th and we were looking forward to seeing my peanut 3 days ago, maybe even earlier.

"Babe," I whined. "I want my baby now. Like, what is he doing in there?" I questioned pressing gently on my round belly.

"Z, don't rush him. The most important thing is that he healthy, aight." Jay said and I nodded with a pout. "Now c'mere."

I slowly waddled over to him where he was sitting down on the couch. He grabbed my hand and got me situated on his lap.

"You tryna rush him out and we ain't even decided on a name yet." He reminded me causing me to huff.

"It's hard though, babe. Jay'Vere Almir or Jaice Amir? Jay'Vere Amir or Jaice Almir?" I whined.

(A/N: This is the final time to vote on the baby's name!)

"Well, I like-" he was cut off by my phone ringing. She raised up from my lap before waddling over to her phone which was on the other couch.

"Hey Dr. Cronin. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Ms. Welsh. How are you? Sorry for not being available earlier when you called. I was with another patient." She explained as it was now 8pm and I called her at around 6pm.

"I'm as good as I can be, ya know? And it's fine."

"Now, in your message, you questioned when your little one would make his grand appearance. That's completely up to him to decide by the end of this week. If he doesn't come by the end of this week then we'll have to induce your labor." She explained.

Hearing that, my mood instantly went sour. I looked over at Jay who was watching me intently as my bottom lip quivered. He came over to me pulling my face into his chest rubbing his fingers through my scalp.

I didn't want my pregnancy to be induced. I wanted the full pregnancy experience, including my water breaking.

"I-I." I huffed crying. "That's not what I want."

"Oh, Zhari, honey. Don't cry, don't stress this, okay? Our biggest concern is that your son comes out healthy, right? If inducing your labor is what ensures that, that happens then that's what going to have to happen." Dr. Cronin explained. As if she could see me, I nodded while Jay wiped my tears away with the pads of his thumbs. "In the meantime, try spicy foods, exercise, sexual intercourse and nipple stimulation. They are common factors in helping your water break."

Jayoni tuned into the sex and nipple stimulation part. "Hey, Dr. Cronin. What's nipple stimulation?"

Dr. Cronin chuckled. "Hello, Mr. Carter. And nipple stimulation is when you use your fingers to stimulate your nipples, a breast pump, or even your partner's mouth. Rubbing or latching onto the nipple, as a baby would, helps the body release oxytocin. Oxytocin plays a role in arousal, initiating labor."

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