Chapter 1 -

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*****Five Years Later*****

~•Zhari Giovanni Welsh•~

"Bae! I missed you!" My best friend Mia yelled throwing her arms around me. Me and Kaiah had just pulled up to school in my 2012 Honda Sinata. It was a welcome home gift given to me 2 years ago when I got saved.

I still remember everything like it was yesterday. The day my mother sold me to Pharaoh up to the day I was found by my daddy, I was getting beaten and raped everyday.

While being held captive by Pharaoh, my mother visited. She'd fuck Pharaoh then come and tell me how selling me was the best thing she ever did. I don't know how I ended up with a package of cruel shit for a mother but I did.

By the time I had just turned 16, Pharaoh had got drunk off his ass. I mean sloppy drunk and he was sniffing that white with my mother. That night he passed out in a deep sleep. I snuck out but my mother seen me just as I made it out the door.


"I really just wanna thank you, Myline," Pharaoh started as his words slurred tremendously. "f-for selling me this great piece of ass. The best I ever had." He said before smacking my ass making me wince.

"My life without her has been beyond amazing. Her father still thinks she ran away." Myline threw her head back with a drunken laugh. "As if. Little does he know, he's never gonna see her pretty little face again."

Pharaoh laughed his disgusting laugh. "That's right." He pulled me closer to him and down onto his lap. He grabbed my hand and put it inside of his pants making me feel on his painful stick. That's what I call it because it brings me nothing but pain.

"Yeah." He groaned in my ear. Making tears free-fall from my eyes. I felt dirty even though this was all against my will, I felt dirty. "I'm kinda horny. Go wait upstairs in my room...naked. I'll be up there in a minute."

I hurriedly pulled my hands out of his pants and got off of his lap. I ran upstairs to the bathroom and washed my hands. Did that work? Of course not. I still felt dirty.

I went into Pharaoh's room and sat on the edge of his bed crying my eyes out. That's all I do here; cry. Day and night. I know it's not solving anything but I don't know what else to do. My life is beyond fucked up right now.

I have no mother. Myline can kiss my ass something serious. Matter a fact, I do have a mother; Adrianne, my father's wife. Fuck Myline. I hope she gets what's coming to her ruthless ass.

"Go wait upstairs in my room...naked." Resounded in my head. Maybe if I disobey by leaving my clothes on, he'll kill me. It's better than being in this hell hole.

That's what I decided, to keep my clothes on. I waited minutes which quickly turned into hours. I quietly tip-toed out of his room and to the top of the stairs.

Listening to silence downstairs, I quietly made my way down the stairs to see both Myline and Pharaoh passed out sleep on the couch. This was it. At 1:15 in the morning, I slowly and quietly opened the front door...but not quietly enough because Myline heard me.


That didn't stop me from running though. She chased me and chased me until eventually she either got tired or I out ran her. Either way it went, it only pushed me to run harder because I knew that she was gonna tell Pharaoh that I had escaped. Knowing I had little to no time, I ran all the way to a gas station.

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