C H A P T E R | O N E -

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C H A P T E R  O N E -

•Zhari Giovanni Welsh•


"Tick, tick, tick," I stared at the broken clock that seemed to tick but never tock. It was my only entertainment being locked down here in this filthy basement.

I've always wondered rather I was doing life wrong or not. It seems that I'm always in fucked up situations. I mean, do I deserve this? Am I doing anything wrong with my life? I'm honestly tired of hurting. I just wanna get out of this place.

And my son; my family, too, but especially my son. He's 6 months now and I've missed out on 2 months of his life, no telling how much more I'll miss. I miss my baby boy. I cry for him every day. He's still a baby, he doesn't even realize I'm gone but I need him.

I can't keep living like this. I'm a female so, of course, I get periods, they make me bleed on myself and I can honestly say I've never felt more foul in my life.

I can only take a shower when Prophet is here to watch me but right after I shower, I'm put right back into the same clothes.

My "bathroom" is an old toilet down here that doesn't even flush. I wouldn't wish this shit on my worst enemy.

Prophet touches on me and makes me touch him but has never forced me into sex. Marquees tried to when Prophet wasn't here but I kicked him in his shit.

I still couldn't believe that Marquees was in on this. He's someone that Jayoni trusts. Someone I trusted. And from my understanding, he smiling up in Jayoni's face pretending to feel sad about my disappearance.

I'd rather die than be kept down here any longer but I have to fight to get out of this situation. Not only for me, but for my baby.

~•Jayoni Amir Carter•~


"So, how would you like to go out someti-," I cut her off

"Get the fuck outta my face." I spat before walkin' away with a natural mug on my face.

I was now at the grocery store with my son strapped to my chest as I bought him some more Similac.

Ever since Zhari been gone, I've honestly turned cold hearted. Like the only love I dish out is to my son. He's my light within this whole situation. My constant reminder of my fiancée.

This shit ain't been nowhere near easy. Z ain't just gone walk out on her responsibilities, which is what the police are tryin' to say. They believe that "maybe being a new mom became too much for her and she couldn't handle it."


I know they only came up with that theory so that they could close the case. Racist ass muthafuckas just wanted to stop lookin' for my girl. I wasn't havin' that shit.

I had niggas everywhere on watch to ensure Zhari got home to me safe and sound. I'm ready to get in anybody ass if something happens to my fiancée and that's on my pops and my son.

After paying for the Similac, I drove to my mama house. I was leavin' Jaice with her while I hit the trap to get some leads on Z.

"Come on, man." I spoke to Jaice as I unhooked his car seat. We was finally at my mama house.

I threw his diaper bag over my shoulder and grabbed the bag of Similac before heading to the door. I unlocked the door with my key seein' Madear sittin' on the couch.

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