Chapter 26 -

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Jayoni Amir & Zhari Giovanni up top 😘

~•Zhari Giovanni Welsh•~

Sleeping alone has become foreign to me due to me being so accustomed to sleeping under Jayoni. This past week has been nothing of the sort.

Ever since what happened on my birthday, Jay became distant and I've been back at home. When I say distant, I mean that I haven't seen him physically in this past week.

We've been FaceTiming and we'll talk on the phone but it's not the same. Whenever he calls or FaceTimes me, I end up throwing him the cold shoulder because I miss him and talking over the phone doesn't help.

His voice makes me want to get into my car and drive to wherever he is but he says that being around him right now is not safe for me. I miss him a lot and I just wanna see him.

He says that he's working which I do understand. Jay's no pushover and he's not forgetful either. He's still pissed about what went down and says that they somewhat "caught him slipping" and he's not letting that shit go.

I'm scared because, though he's been doing this drug shit for countless years, I'm scared that I'm gonna get that phone call.

The phone call that tells me that something happened to him or one of the guys.

The automated voice message system that's gonna ask me, "do you except the charges?"

I can't help but to be worried because I'm in love with him and I don't want anything to happen to him or my brothers.

"Zhari, calm down. Ya boy holds his own so chill." Ke'Andre said as he tried to comfort me.

"Bullets don't have names on them, Dre. You can't assure me that everything will be okay because you don't know for sure." I cried into my brother's chest as he had his arms wrapped around me.

Rocking us side to side, he replied. "You right, Z. I can't even argue with that. What I can assure you is that he wouldn't want you to be cryin' and shit just like I don't. Him and them niggas good, trust me. Just trust me."

"I want to but I'm still scared. I haven't seen him in a week and I get paranoid whenever he calls me because what if it's bad news on the other end of the phone. I want him to be okay, I want him." I whined.

Dre sighed moving my hair out of my face and kissing my forehead. "Sis, I'm tryna cheer you up but you ain't makin' that shit easy. Just go lay down and try to sleep it off."

Without responding, I headed up the stairs to my room. Laying down, I stared at the window with my emotions still getting the best of me. "Lord, please keep my baby and my brothers safe."

A few more sniffles later, my easy got heavy and I fell asleep.

~•Jayoni Amir Carter•~

"Take that nigga to the RED room. I'a be down there in a minute." I said to Lawrence, one of my security guards. We found one of the niggas that was in the car when they did that drive by at my house on Z's birthday.

We hittin' up Black's main trap tomorrow night but we bout to get as much info from this fu ass nigga as we can. I'm playin' zero games with these niggas.

My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID to see that it was Ke'Andre, Zhari's brother.

"Wassup bruh?" I asked him. Dre my nigga. He used to be in these streets but when his young was born, he left all that shit behind. I respect it.

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