Chapter 8 -

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~•Zhari Giovanni Welsh•~

"So, what's going on with you and Jayoni?" Kim asked as we sat in the lunch room.

"Not a damn thing." I said truthfully as I bit into another pineapple.

"Oh please, mami. Don't think we didn't peep y'all texting back and forth yesterday when we was at Ant's watching the game."

"All he said was that I looked nice. It's really not that big of a deal."

"Y'all would be really cute together." Kim said.

I rolled my eyes and smacked my lips. "I just met him, Kimeria."

"Okay? Get to know him and make y'all happen." She pressed

"Kimeria, you act like you just don't know or understand the shit that I went through. Pharaoh fucked me up and you know that's why I'm not tryna be with anybody right now. Time and time again I tell you that I need some time. What I went through ain't somethin' to get over easily. You act like you don't care." I said to her because she was pissing me off. "I lost my appetite. I'a see y'all next period."

I got up and grabbed my bag before leaving out of the lunch room.

I love Kim but she can get under your skin at times. She just needs to understand that I'm not ready for a relationship. Period.

As I was walking the hallway with my head held down, someone bumped into me.

"Damn, bitch. Can you watch where you're going please?" I looked up to see that it was Portia.

I sighed while shaking my head and turning in the opposite direction continuing my stroll done the hall.

Portia hated my guts for some odd reason. Ever since I started going here she's hated me.

Portia is actually pretty. She's brown skin and keeps a sew-in, in her head. I wouldn't exactly say that her weave was flawless but it's not terrible either.

She's somewhat skinny with big boobs and and a small butt. She stands at 5'6 and has dark brown eyes. She....gets around with the niggas at this school and thinks the shit is cute but it's not at all.

I don't really like confrontation which is why I didn't respond or retaliate to her childishness. It takes a lot to push me over my limit and honestly, she's just not worth my time.

I leaned up against the locker just as the bell rung signaling the senior's lunch being over and us having 3 minutes to get to class.

Mia and Kim came out of the lunchroom and headed towards me.

"You okay, mami?" Mia asked. I poked my lip out and nodded. "I'll let you two talk. Work it out, chicas."

Mia walked away to our fifth period class as Kimeria came closer to me. I just looked at her without saying a word.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I just-I don't just seem so unhappy and I don't like seeing you unhappy. You're my best friend. Damn near like a sister. I love you and I want what's best for you." Kim said. The second bell rung and the halls were clear meaning fifth period started and that we were late.

"So what's best for me is a relationship, Kim?"

"I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that maybe a significant other can help you get over your fears of a man. Help you forget about P-you know who." She said.

"I understand how you're thinking but, if you don't mind, I would like to get over my past my own way." I told her.

"Okay, Z. I'll ease up. When you're ready, you're ready. I understand completely. Do you forgive me?" She asked, out stretching her arms and pouting while blinking.

I chuckled and outstretched my arms too. "You know I can't stay mad at you long." We hugged it out and just like that we were good.

We headed to the office to retrieve late slips then headed to fifth period.

~•Jayoni Amir Carter•~

"Where the fuck is my money?" I asked him again. I had this nigga restrained by his hands and feet to a metal chair in the RED room.

His name is Marquees. Young nigga; 19. He robbed one of my rookies who was still in trainin' sellin' some little shit on the corner. He got a quarter pound of white and about $500.

$500 ain't shit to me at all. The fact of the matter is, Marquees know that Rell, my newest rookie, was just now makin' it to the corner. Marquees robbed him tryna show out for his friends.

"I don't have it." He said spittin' out some more blood.

I chuckled then pistol whipped him.

"Ahhh!" He yelled out in pain and agony.

"Fuck up! Stop playin' wit me and tell me where my shit at, lil nigga!" I yelled raising my gat to his dome.

"Okay, okay! I spent it man, I'm sorry. I had to."

"You robbed my lil nigga of my money then spent my shit? And you think that shit gone fly with that pitiful ass apology? Come better than that."

"I'm in college. I used the money for my freshmen year books." He admitted.

I lowered my gun. "What college?" I quizzed.

"Kent State, man."

I sighed as sat in the set that was in front of him. "You can't steal from people who don't take from you. That shit ain't cool. You gotta hustle when times get hard. Grind for what you need."

"I've been tryin'. Ain't nobody tryna hire no delinquent."

"How you feel about slangin'?" I asked him leanin' back in the chair.

"I've been tryna do that too but I haven't found nobody. Or if I do find something, they got them stupid ass initiations." He said.

"I don't do initiations but you will have to prove your loyalty and honesty to me. You can be apart of my team. The biggest and best team out there. What do you say?" I asked him.

"Am I gone be gettin' my ass beat like this everyday?" He asked.

I chuckled. "Not if you come correct." I told him.

"Aight." He agreed.

"Be here Saturday night no later than 10:00 pm." I got up and un-restrained him.

I dapped him up. "Now get out of here." I tapped his jaw twice making him wince and groan in pain causin' me to chuckle. "And put some ice on that. It look like somebody fucked you up."

He shook his head and left out. Blood from his mouth and nose was on the floor. I went over to the intercom button and buzzed into the worker's break room.

"Don, clean up in the RED room." I said.

"Comin' boss." He paged back.

I placed my gat back on my hip then headed out to my office. I grabbed my shit then headed home. Sleep was callin' my name.


That was chapter 8. Kind of boring, I know. But also know that it'll get better in due time. Continue reading, vote, and comment.

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