Chapter Eleven

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PJ quickly and awkwardly ran over to me.

"I've been a good boy," he whispered, his face red with embarrassment.

I smirked at his submissiveness. "Then let me check~"

Hurriedly, PJ dragged me to a bathroom, pulling us both inside a stall before anyone saw who was going in together. He pulled down his pants and underwear, letting me see that it was all still inside, and anything that wasn't was on his legs.

"You have been a good boy~" I cooed, happy to see him being obedient.

"C-can I please clean up now...?" PJ pulled out his puppy eyes to convince me.

"Alright~ You can clean up, and whenever you want to go, I'll be happy to treat you like a queen." I kissed his forehead.

"C-can you wait for me? B-by our lockers?" PJ looked away. "I want you to walk me to your place..."

I smirked a little. "Oh you want to spend the day with me?~"

PJ blushed more, nodding.

"Aww, of course~" I kissed his head again before leaving the stall so he could clean himself before we had our fun.

I packed up my stuff and all, leaning against my locker as I waited with my backpack. It was kinda exciting. PJ was surprisingly easy to dominate. And he was so adorable when he stopped acting all bitchy.

Maybe it was the mix of being filled up all day while in heat, but PJ was so submissive and sweet. I wouldn't mind doing what would make him happy if he continued being so obedient and sweet.

I wondered if his heat affected him in cycles. Like, if he was more horny at night then in the morning. Or if it was based off of how satisfied he was, and how long it had been since he got a good pounding.

'So many theories,' I thought with a smirk. 'I have a month to test them out~ I am going to have so much fun~'

I looked up as PJ walked over with me. His blush didn't seem to calm down, making him look extra adorable.

He unlocked his locker and grabbed his things, closing it as he slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"My parents said I had to stop by my house before we can go to your place, okay?" He tucked a bit of his hair behind his ear.

"It's not a problem." I ruffled up his hair. I was a little annoyed, but I still had hours of PJ to myself, so I just grinned and beared it.

PJ awkwardly held my hand as we left. He blushed brightly, walking with me out of the school. He looked so cute with how shy he was being. I wanted to kiss him silly until he couldn't even walk.

We walked in silence until we were at his house. I frowned. This place looked familiar.

PJ let go of my hand and unlocked the door with his key. "Daddy, Dad, I'm home."

Quickly, a short and lanky man ran over, hugging PJ tightly. While the man was short, he was still about an inch taller than PJ. He had similarly messy short brown hair, and I could quickly see where PJ got his hair and clothing style.

"Baby! You're home!" The man kissed his cheek. He looked at me with his excited blue and brown eyes. "And... oh my."

"U-um... hi...?" I waved awkwardly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. PJ didn't tell me he was friends with a giant!" The man laughed at his own joke. "But where are my manners! You can call me Mr. Ink!"

"Hi Mr. Ink, I'm Fresh." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Oh! Fresh." He paused before smiling kindly. "You look very different from when you were a child."

"Um, thanks?"

"Sorry about being so messy! I didn't know Jammy would bring over a friend today!" Ink turned around, calling out, "Ruru! Jammy brought a friend!"

Error walked out from the kitchen, grumbling. He looked up at me, and his expression went from bored to surprised. "Oh. Fresh."

"Hi, Mr. Error," I muttered, looking down. This was when he'd see right through me and realize I was a bad person. This was when the jig was up and I got myself shot, like everyone else knew I would.

"I didn't know you two knew each other."

"Everyone knows everyone. There's, like, a hundred kids at that school."

"Ah." He looked at his husband, who nudged him a little. "How's your mother?"

"Better then when you saw her last."

"That's good." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry about—"

"You don't have to say it every time we see each other," I interrupted, feeling my face turn red. I felt bad the moment I said it, but I didn't say anything to make it better.

"You're right. It's been a long time, kiddo."

"I just made some cookies. Would you kids like some?" Ink asked. I was relieved; acting like the awkward part never happened was better than trying to acknowledge it.


"We're not kids, and we gotta go." PJ gave me a look.

"No we don't. We got all the time—"

"Nope! Cool teenager stuff first!" PJ started to push me away, with a strength I didn't know a guy so small could have. "Bye dads!"

"Take care sweetie! I love you!" Ink called out.

"Ugh! I love you too!" PJ yelled, clearly annoyed. He slammed the door.

"I wanted cookies!"

"I'm sure we could make some at your place."

I chuckled. "It won't be dad-cookies though!"

"I'm sure your—" PJ caught himself. He looked at me, clearly knowing he was about to make a really poor choice of words. "I-I mean..."

"No, it's fine."

"It's whatever! Dad cookies aren't that good!" He took my hand, starting to walk off the porch. "We can do much better than that! We'll eat something made by two cool dudes!"

I felt myself smile. He was trying to make me feel better, and that was all I could have asked for.

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