Chapter Forty-Three

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I stretched and sat down on a chair in the staff room. I began to unlace my skates, highing in relief when I wouldn't have to wear those things for a few hours. As much as I loved my job, roller skating everyday hurt.

I took out my phone from my staff-locker, unlocking it and texting PJ's number that I just finished my shift and would be walking home soon.

I put my skates away and took out my shoes, starting to tie my busted high-tops when my phone vibrated. I picked it up, reading PJ's response.

"Good, cause Cil is freaking out n I can't calm him" read the message.

I was confused but promised PJ I'd be there soon. I quickly tied my shoes and grabbed my things, closing the locker before starting to jog out. My feet were sore, but I'd walk across glass to get to Cil and I didn't care.

"G'night." I quickly waved to my colleges, and it was obvious they were surprised by my rush.

"Night?" one called back.

I didn't have time to explain anything. I usually stayed a little to have some fries and stuff for dinner, but I needed to hurry. I ran to Error and Ink's house, completely out of breath when I knocked on the door.

Crescent opened the door. He snidely remarked, "I see you came back before four years passed! Congrats."

I grumbled, shoving passed him and going into the living room, where I could hear Cil crying his eyes out while clinging to PJ.

"What happened?" I quickly rushed to them, confused, since Cil seemed fine when I left.

"I don't know. After dinner, I went to take a quick bath, and when I came back, he was all upset. He wouldn't tell me what was wrong, and he just started crying." PJ frowned. "He's never usually like this! H-he always tells me what's wrong!"

I frowned at the odd circumstances, sitting down next to him. I gently took PJ in my arms in a way that we could both hold Cil, since it seemed all we could do was comfort him.

Quickly, the toddler grabbed onto my shirt, whimpering. PJ looked a little hurt that he was suddenly so attached me, though he hid it mostly well. That was until Cil managed to get some words out.

"I— you gone! Gone gone gone!" he exclaimed, tears running down his chubby face.

"Shhh. It's okay. Breathe," I hushed, gently nuzzling my forehead to his head, hoping affection would make him calm down. I rubbed his back.

Cil took deep breaths, using his little hands to wipe away his tears. He looked up at me with those big, sad eyes, absolutely breaking my heart.

"Why would you think that?" I asked.

"C-Crescent k-kept saying y-you left and how y-you better n-not l-leave again... I asked when, a-and he said four years ago." Cil sniffled, wiping his nose with his forearm. "I-I thought y-you'd l-leave again..."

I looked back at Crescent, who knew he fucked up. I got up, gently letting PJ hold Cil completely, and grabbed that stupid man-bun wearing jackass by the collar of his shirt.

"H-hey! Let go!" Crescent tried pulling away, only making me pull him closer.

"You went too fucking far. You can make fun of me all you want, but I will teach you a lesson the moment you scare my son and try to make me look like I'm some good-for-nothing deadbeat dad ever again."

"Like your dad?" Crescent smirked smugly.

The ringing blocked out what PJ practically screamed as I lifted that smug bitch off the ground by the collar of his shirt.

"Don't you dare ever talk about my parents again!" I yelled at the top of my lungs at him, which seemed to finally scare him.

"Fresh," Error said with a gentle sternness that overcame the ringing as he grabbed my shoulder.

I snapped back into reality, zoning out from just Crescent's scared face. The first thing I heard was PJ whimpering 'oh my god' over and over again and Cil crying. I dropped Crescent back onto the chair he'd been sitting in before turning back to see PJ. My heart dropped when I saw him flinch when our eyes met.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." I mumbled, not trying to approach PJ yet. I admit, I was scared too. I had been making so much progress, and yet I couldn't control my anger when some guy talked shit. I usually could do it.

Why couldn't I do it?

"It's okay, just sit down." Ink gently approached me, looking up at me with worry in his eyes.

I sat down on the opposite end of the couch PJ was on.

"I'm sorry..." I looked over at them. PJ was still slightly shaking, and Cil wouldn't stop crying. I felt horrible.

"It's okay... I-I just got scared..." PJ started to rock Cil, attempting to calm him. He wouldn't even look at me.

"I didn't mean to scare anyone, I just—" I tried moving closer, although I stopped when Cil screamed out and snuggled more into PJ. I was heartbroken to see the kid so afraid of me.

Once again, I scared the love of my life, and even our child. I felt sick with myself. I quickly got to my feet.

"I should go."

"Fresh, you don't have to," argued PJ.

"It was a mistake; it's fine," Ink tried to comfort me.

"No, I should go. It's best for me to go so you can calm Cil." I shook my head, starting to walk towards the hallway to the front door.

"No, please stay," PJ begged.

"Don't say that." I stopped in my tracks.

"Fresh, please."

"PJ, stop."

"Don't leave."

I took a shaky breath in, starting to shake a little myself. "I'm sorry..."

"Fresh!" PJ yelled after me as I bolted for the door.

"Fresh! Fresh!"


"Fresh, come back!"





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