Chapter Forty-Two

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Ink came downstairs first, seeing what was probably a normal occurrence, plus me.

Cil had been refusing to change out of his pajamas, so he was still in the pink onesie, PJ and Crescent had the opportunity to change quickly earlier, and I was still in my clothes. And we were all watching some cartoon Cil liked, since no one can judge a toddler's taste in shows.

"Good morning," he greeted.

"Hi Gammy!" Cil waved.

Ink was about to continue before stopping. He looked at me with a glare. "Well you two smell awful."

"It was a hot night," PJ excused.

"It wasn't that hot for everyone else." Ink's glare narrowed more.

"Daddy and Fresh slept together!" Cil exclaimed.

"They what?" Ink growled, looking about ready to rip out my throat.

"Well, we stayed up talking, and we ended up falling asleep with PJ laying on top of me," I explained calmly.

Ink nodded, although he obviously didn't trust me. "Cil, what did they say they did?"

"Adult things that I couldn't join," Cil replied without hesitation. "And kissing!"

"It was a more mature conversation," PJ explained. "I mean, Crescent was on the other couch the entire night, dad. You think we'd do those kinda things when someone else was in the same room?"

"And we are all adults, so I'm sure Crescent didn't mind us kissing once or twice in front of him." I looked at Crescent, wanting to be backed up on this.

"I think I'd remember if they did anything." Crescent shrugged a little.

"If you say so." Ink shopped glaring and went to the kitchen. "Who wants some coffee?"

"Oooo!" Cil raised his hand, excited.

"I'd like some coffee," Crescent politely said.

Soon, Error came down, heading to the kitchen as well. I won't even put my imagination up to understand what Ink was giggling and panting about.

Soon, Ink came out with a few more marks on his neck and a red face as handed Crescent a coffee mug.

"Um, I think I should get going." I awkwardly stood up.

"Why?" Cil whined.

"Leaving again?" Crescent smirked smugly.

"Well, uh, I have work, and not to mention I'm not the most well groomed person at the moment. So there's just a whole bunch of things, and I need to go."

"Oh. You can't even stay for breakfast?" Ink seemed a bit disappointed.

"If I could, trust me, I would. But I can't." I was about to get my shoes and such and leave, until Crescent spoke up.

"Come back within four years," he mocked.

Cil started crying, seeming to think I would genuinely leave him for that long.

"Woah, Cil, don't worry! I'll be back after my shift tonight!" I promised, kneeling down to look Cil in the eye. "It's just a few hours!"

Cil hiccuped and managed to stop enough to speak. "P-promise...?"

"I promise." I gently kissed Cil's forehead. "I would never leave you for that long, okay?"

"O-okay..." Cil wiped his tears.

"You're such a big kid. I'm so proud of you." I gently pet his fluffy brown hair. It seemed to comfort him, so I stood back up and gave PJ a quick kiss. "I'll text you when I'm off."

"Take care." PJ smiled.

I gave PJ's dads a wave before going to the hallway and putting on my shoes. I double checked that I had everything before leaving, running to my apartment. I had to shower, change, and then I had to run to work.

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