Chapter Forty-One

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Suddenly, I was pushed aside, awakening me to feel the back pain of sleeping on a couch. I groggily sat up, actually waking up when I heard some crying.

I quickly jumped up, as PJ had already in a way that woke me, and I ran to PJ's room, where Cil's mattress had been set up.

Cil whimpered, quickly calming down once in the comforting embrace of his father. He just nuzzled up to him, getting relaxed really fast.

I was a little afraid to speak, though PJ and I quickly knew we had the same question.

"Cil, baby, what happened?" PJ asked, looking down at the comforted toddler in his arms.

"You weren't here. You were here when I woke everyday but today..." Cil whined. "I got scared..."

"Aww, sweetie, I was just downstairs with Fresh and Crescent, okay?" PJ kissed his face. "I'm sorry that you got scared. If I'm ever not in the room, please try to go to Gammy and Gramps, or check the living room, okay?"

"But..." Cil couldn't seem to wrap his head around it.

"Sometimes, adults aren't in their beds, and it's okay." I stepped closer. "I'm sorry, I kept your daddy up, and we ended up falling asleep together. I didn't know you'd be scared when you saw he wasn't in bed."

"I-I g-give for..." Cil started to suck on his fingers, seeming to calm down from the scary occurrence.

"It's forgive." PJ kissed his head. "And it's so mature of you to forgive him. Like a big kid."

Cil smiled. "W-what did you do? Why couldn't I be there?"

PJ and I both blushed, and I gulped.

PJ's body pressed against mine as I groped his ass.

"Hah~ Fwesssh~"  PJ slurred as I pulled away from the sloppy kiss. He was drenched in sweat, and drool was dripping down his chin.

"Shhh~ If you wake Crescent up, he'll see you in such a gross position~" I cooed, groping him more. "Wouldn't that be embarrassing?~ For him to know that the moment everyone fell asleep, you were on top of your baby-daddy~"

"Uh-huh... hah~" PJ panted and moaned.

Soon, our lips were back together, and my tongue was inside his mouth. It was so hot, and I missed his warmth and taste. It was so exciting to kiss so intensely after all those years. I just wanted more, even if I couldn't have more.

I cleared my throat. "We were doing grownup things."

"But I a big kid!" Cil exclaimed.

"Well, some things, not even big kids do. There are some things that you have to be an adult to do," I explained.

"We'll tell you about it when you're older." PJ kissed his head.

"Like, how much?" Cil questioned.

"It depends." I shrugged, gently petting his hair. "Don't worry about it, okay?"

Cil huffed. "You were kissing, weren't you!"

I stifled a laugh.

"Fresh!" PJ scolded, blushing brightly.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I kissed your daddy." I thought it was funny how accusatory Cil said it. I just couldn't help but confess to the child. "I just really love him, and I hoped you wouldn't mind if you didn't have to see it. You understand, right? You'd want to kiss the person you really really love, wouldn't you?"

Cil pondered for a moment. "Okay... you can kiss my daddy. Sometimes. But not too much! I love him too, and you can't kiss him too much!"

I kinda wanted to laugh and I also kinda wanted to cry. Cil was incredibly adorable, and I couldn't bare how sweet he, a three year old child, was when giving me, a grown man, permission to kiss PJ, a fellow grown man.

"Thank you, I promise not to kiss him too much." I pet his head.

"Gud. Now, I'll get Kitty, and we can go"

"Stairs," PJ told him. "Do you want to walk by yourself, or do you want me to carry you?"

"Walk!" Cil started squirming to get down.

"Are you sure? You can fall and get hurt when you walk!" PJ seemed to worry more about this than Cil as he very gently put him down.

"I live." And with his broken grammar, Cil sassed his father ten years too early.

Cil picked up his plush. He started to waddle away, carefully climbing down the stairs. He looked so tiny, struggling to walk down stairs. It was absolutely adorable, although both PJ and I stayed close in case he fell.

The tot started to run when he was off the stairs, almost immediately tripping.

"Baby!" PJ yelled, going to pick him up.

"Give him some space," I said quietly, putting a gentle hand on PJ's chest.

Cil slowly picked himself, immediately running into PJ's arms. PJ swooped him up, bouncing him in his arms like a baby. Though, I suppose he still was a baby.

"It's okay," I mumbled, rubbing his back. "Let it all out."

Cil nodded before letting out a wail. I didn't expect him to be that loud, but I only went in to hug PJ so I could also comfort Cil. I didn't stop him from crying, since it was obvious he got pretty hurt. He was so sensitive, and I'd forgotten how it was like to be so small and vulnerable.

After a while, Cil calmed down, holding Kitty tight.

"Do you feel better?" I asked, making sure to keep my tone kind and gentle.

Cil nodded. "B-better..."

"Look at you. Even though it hurt a lot and made you cry, you're still okay. You are so strong." I kissed his red cheek.

"B-but I cried..."

"And now you feel better. Crying is a healthy outlet of emotions." When Cil looked at me confused, I restated, "Crying is a good way to show you're upset."

Cil nodded a little.

"You talk like a therapist," PJ commented, chuckling a little as he stood up with Cil in his arms.

"Thanks! I was just quoting mine in a baby voice."

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