Chapter Thirty-Five

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PJ and I had quite an enjoyable conversation as we left the mall. I was more than happy to walk him to his parents' house, where he was staying for the summer as he looked for a place to live and a job after college. It just meant I had more time to spend with him and Cil, and more time he had to tell me about his life.

PJ had majored in art and business marketing. He barely socialized because of the whole baby thing, although some people in his college that he'd befriended did go over, since he couldn't leave the dorms as much. He didn't work during college like he always thought he would, since Cil ended up making everything other than attending classes difficult, and it just wasn't worth leaving his baby alone.

I couldn't help but think that PJ was so hardworking, and he was such a good parent.

He also explained he wanted Cil to get to know his family, and everything ultimately worked out from staying with PJ's parents.

Soon, we were at the house I always avoided, for the memories.

"Do you want to come in? I'm sure my dads will be happy to see you again!" PJ offered. "I have something I need to tell you as well."

"Uh, sure." I wanted to spend as much time with PJ as I could anyways, so I didn't mind it. Seeing him again reminded me just how much I missed him.

PJ grabbed his keys, opening the front door. I shivered as I remembered when he first did that, and I met his parents and everything was awkward.

"Oh PJ, you're home!" a semi-familiar voice called. A tall, but lanky young man with an undercut and black microbraids tied back into a bun ran out of the kitchen and to the hallway. The symmetrical vitiligo on his cheeks were familiar, though I couldn't remember why. He glared and frowned when he saw me. "And you."

I was confused by why he seemed to hate me.

"That's my best friend, Crescent," PJ whispered. "He's been the biggest helper with Cil, since we went to the same college. I told him about... us when you... well, when you dumped me.

I took a sharp breath in. I was immediately set up for failure with him, but I still wanted to be cordial. "Crescent! It has been too long!" I greeted him with a big smile. "You look different! You—"

"Don't talk to me." Crescent quickly got in between PJ and I, glaring me in the eye, since he was almost the same height as I. He turned his head to PJ. "What did he do? What did he tell you?"

"We just had a conversation." PJ leaned in, whispering something to him.

"You what?!" Crescent practically screamed, making Cil whine loudly as the rest of the family came into the hallway.

"What's going on?" Ink asked, before seeing the three of us. Of course, I suppose I was the only one they hadn't seen in a while. "Fresh! Oh look at you! You look so grownup now!"

I saw Error glare at me, and unlike noodle arms Crescent, he was genuinely intimidating when he glared at me.

"Oh, look at the time, I think I should be going!" I started to scoot towards the door.

"No!" Cil whined, which seemed to surprise everyone.

"No?" Both PJ and Ink said, looking at the small child in surprise.

"N-no?" I stammered.

"Well, Cil's right. You need to stay because I need to talk to you." PJ went over to his father, Ink, and handed the toddler over to him. He went up to me, grabbing me by the hand before dragging me upstairs. As I glanced back, I could see PJ's parents whispering something to one another, and Cil making grabby-hands at me.

"PJ!" Ink called in a motherly scolding voice.

"Its private!" PJ yelled in reply.

"Excuse me, I am your—"

I was shoved into PJ's childhood bedroom and the door was shut behind him before I could hear the rest of Ink's rant. For extra privacy, he also locked the door.

I didn't think anything about the lock until PJ jumped on me with a kiss.

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